Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1790: General, please on the couch (32)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Over the past few days, the emperor watched her dance every day. At first she was very excited, but over time, her heart was cast a shadow.

Because she knew that this thing was not hers.

But now, suddenly a bad thought arose in her heart, what if she was not there? No one knows the source of this dance anymore, and the emperor will never have the opportunity to know that there is such a stunning and magnificent woman in the cold palace!

"you dare!"

Liuying spit out a **** spit, his eyes cracking.

"If you dare to hurt the master's hair, I won't let you go as a ghost, Tao Wanshu, you wolf-hearted woman!"

The hall was tragic, and several palace men looked at each other, all hesitantly stepped forward. Su Kui chuckled and suddenly threw the porcelain out, just hitting the door frame.

"Don't come in yet, or are you waiting to collect my body?"

As the words fell, the air seemed to freeze.

The dark clouds outside the door became denser, the sky was depressed, and the drizzle began to drizzle.

A little **** squatting by the wall and a little maid looked stunned and looked at each other, all of them were surprised by the other person's eyes.

"She, what is she calling?"

The **** shook his head stunnedly, "I don't know, but is there anyone other than us?"

With that said, they glanced around in a silly way and came to the conclusion, no.

So, how did she find them? !

Tao Wanshu thought she had a helper at first, and after a moment she reacted and laughed, "Sister, aren't you crazy? Do you think someone will come to save you?" Everyone will die every day in this harem, and the body will be rotten In a corner, either, he was dragged out of the palace, thrown to the mass grave, and bitten by thousands of people.

"Do it!"

She waved and ordered!

Su Kui's eyes were a bit cold, and he swept to the door. The two people on the wall clearly showed no traces of clues, but they still felt like needles in their backs and could not help shaking.

Like a light butterfly, he jumped from the wall and rushed into the hall.

Several palace people had already approached Su Kui at this time, letting Liu Ying's throat squeeze to no avail. Tao Wanshu's heart filled with pleasure at this moment, this is the benefit of the high power of ancient times, right?

Who dares to make her unhappy, she can kill that person!

"Woo woo, Master, let me go, you let me go !!" Liuying's cheeks bulged high, and he was confused.

Climbing up into despair, she thought, maybe, their master and servant, really can't escape today. Liuying never thought of hurting them. The person with the ugly face now in front of her would be someone who just spoiled her like a loved one not long ago.

"Acknowledge your fate, sister. It's just strange that you have a servant maid who can't speak!" There was a cold light in the eyes, Tao Wanshu gave her heart, her arms around her chest, and stood aside.

She had made up her mind, and she would never do anything, otherwise, she would have a hunch that the emperor would find her sooner or later.

Su Kui still didn't change her face. At this time, she had no arms in her hand. The palace people were relieved and clenched her teeth.

It was at this time that two people who could not see the figure suddenly jumped in from outside the door, knocking all the six palace people to the ground in a few clicks. Everything happened too quickly and the situation reversed instantly.

Su Kui walked back to the table and sat down, looking at the two people in front of her with a smile, not old, looking like a seventeen or eighty-eight face, immature, and a twin.

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