Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1815: General, please on the couch (57)

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In this case, someone told her personally that Meng Zhian hadn't happened, and she didn't believe it.

The best way is to take a look in person.

This is also the reason why Su Kui wants to self-harm.

What Meng Zhian wanted to do, she probably could guess, so before that, the emperor must not be allowed to contact Meng Zhian. Since ancient emperors have been suspicious, especially Meng Zhian is Chi Chi's former fiancé. As a result, once the two have heard rumours, it is enough to imagine the consequences of waiting for Meng Zhian and her.

What's more, the Chi family Manchu all died in the hands of Tuobaxuan, he was afraid and knew that Chi Zhang was resentful to him. Just in case, she was beaten into the cold palace, letting her die.

The general who was in control of the military power suddenly had a connection with the cold lady, and it was easy to think of rebellion.

Tuoba Xuan left this time, it is estimated that it will not come over for a long time.

So Su Kui had this question.

Seventeen froze for a moment, she was confused at first, and then her small face changed. I saw her sip her lips, hesitantly looked at Su Kui, and asked, "Why did the master ask this? The general, he, he is naturally good, a while ago I went outside the customs, this is--"

"Seventeen," Su Kui interrupted her, her smiled eyes lightened up a bit, and she must stare at her, "You should know, since I asked you about this, I knew what, Meng Zhian, since you Give it to me, you are my person, if you can't be loyal to me, it's better to go back to your general's palace early! "


Seventeen was so scared that his legs softened, and he knelt beside Su Kui immediately, "Master, I, I don't want to say, just ..."

"He wouldn't let it? Or did you not want to say?"

Su Kui raised his eyebrows, his eyes sharp.

"Yes, it's the general ..." Seventeen eyes dodge, and they dare not look at her.

This look, Su Kui still do not understand. Meng Zhian really had an accident, Su Kui opened the bedding, got up and got out of bed, "Since you don't say it, then I will go to see it in person, as for you, just go where you come!"

When you're done speaking, dress up.

Seventeen this time was completely frightened. They all brought tears into their mouths and threw them up to grab Su Kui's clothes corner. "Master, I won't go, yes, it's the general, he said, he said ...

Su Kui's lips ticked, a streamer glanced through her clear eyes, and she looked down at the seventeen, "What do you say?"

"Say, say ..."


Seventeen knew that things could not be concealed completely. Although I do n’t know who revealed it to her, now, I do n’t say I ca n’t do it anymore, and I was sent back to the General ’s Palace, waiting for her, it was a poor job!

In General House, never useless people!

Su Kui didn't speak, the air was stagnation and became depressed, waiting quietly for the seventeen answers.

As time passed by one minute and one second, seventeen finally couldn't resist the pressure from the bottom of his heart, sobbing with his head down: "Lord, Master, General, he, he's about to die!"

After he finished speaking, his spirit collapsed completely, dragging Su Kui's clothes corner and crying out of breath, "General, he won't let us tell you that he is afraid and afraid of you."


Even though I was prepared in my heart, I was shocked by the sudden answer. She pursed her lips, her heart was turbulent, but she didn't show anything on her face. She said calmly, "Continue."

Later, Meng Zhian returned from the military barracks in 1715 to 10, and told her about the assassination.

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