Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

After hearing this, An Hui's face recovered a lot, and Xie Tingting glanced coldly, thanking Xie Yun for his slight jaw.

Receiving An Hui's appreciative glance, Xie Yun's heart jumped with joy.

The most direct result is that she is increasingly intensifying Su Kui to apologize.

She walked a few steps before Su Kui didn't have time to speak, and An Li suddenly said decisively, "She's not late!"

Wen Yan Su Kui raised her eyebrows, her plump red lips lifted slightly. This was a habitual movement when she was thinking. She thought that only she knew that she actually came in on the last few seconds.

"Impossible!" Xie Tingting's eyes widened.

Su Kui smiled coldly, like a poisoned scimitar in his eyes, and shot at An Hui with coldness.

"You can believe it, but I believe there will be monitoring in these places, do you want to check it? Hmm?"

After coldly sweeping around the silent people, Su Kui then said leisurely: "Since Su Dao had an appointment with me at three in the afternoon, is there anything wrong with me coming before three? You come in advance, then I admire You are dedicated, but this does not constitute a reason to kidnap me to do the same thing! "

The subtle meaning means that you are willing to come early to do your business. !

"Su Dao said at three o'clock in the afternoon, then I arrived before three o'clock," even though it was only a minute away, it was like a clear watershed, and it was not a half step.

"As for what I did before, I'm sorry, I don't want to disclose! If you don't believe it, go over the monitoring!"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, but no one actually moves. They actually believed Su Kui ’s words. Thing.

Then ...

What attitude did the three people who started all things start to create this chaos?

Most of them are actors. They are accustomed to the dirty and joke in the entertainment circle. They were originally confused by An Hui ’s pure smile, but once they figured it out, they looked at An Hui ’s beautiful expression and they were not so friendly. .

An Hui was so cold that she was seen, she moved her body uncomfortably, her smile was very reluctant, "Sister, I really have nothing to do with Yi Ming, he chased me after breaking up with you, if I was early Knowing that he is your ex-boyfriend, I won't accept it anyway! I'm sorry, Xuemei, if you don't like it, I will break up with him! "

She had just finished saying Xie Yun immediately shouted: "Why should I draw Sister to break up!"

In contrast, Su Kui has been watching them leisurely and comfortably, as if watching a despicable performance. After listening to An Hui's words, he just casually said: "Okay, I don't like it very much, you can divide it!"

"You ..." An Hui's face was ugly. She really didn't expect that Su Kui's reaction would be so poisonous.

Su Kui cut off her words directly and sneered. "Don't you dare, or don't you want to, eh?" Everyone has to pay for their actions, even if it is just a casual joke.

An Hui was riding a tiger immediately, and all eyes were on him. Do you really want her to call Yi Ming to break up?

How can it be? !

At this moment, Qin Che in a casual suit walked here with his hands in his trouser pockets, chatting with Su An, and glancing frequently at Su Kui until he saw what seemed to be a dispute between her.

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