Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1835: General, please on the couch (77)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Azhan, what are you still hesitating? Or, are you unwilling?" Tuoba Xuan narrowed her eyes and stared at her coldly for the first time.

Su Kui looked sideways, lifted his skirt, and stepped closer to Tuoba Xuan.

"Emperor, since you are mentally ill, what else to ask? Should you play enough to deceive yourself?" Su Kui snorted and looked at Tuoba Xuan with a cold look.


A complete sentence had not been spoken. Suddenly groaned, Feng Pu opened his eyes in disbelief.

"You, you turned out--" Chijun!

Blood spewed out of his mouth, and Tuoba Xuan's face fell slowly, with a sharp dagger in his lower abdomen.

"Come on! Come on! Execution of this demon girl!"

"Dare to kill the king!"

"Dare to act, dare to act !!"

The people under the stage were too far away from Su Kui, and they didn't even see how Su Kui moved. Tuoba Xuan collapsed straight. If the dagger is inserted into the lower abdomen, it will not be killed immediately. He will bleed slowly until the blood runs out!

"Why, why ..."

Tuoba Xuan stared at her persistently, lying on the cold ground, the pupils began to spread, but he went straight, asking for an answer.

Su Kui tilted his head and crouched down beside him, withdrawing the phoenix crown from his head. Every night, my body was covered with blood and appeared in my dream, and I complained of injustice! "

"They did nothing wrong and worked hard for the country and the people. Could it be because the Chi Jiagong overshadowed the Lord, you simply buckled the Chi family with a hat of rebellion and took my Chi family over 200 lives? Beheaded before the Meridian! Their bones are not cold! The spirits are not gone! I am a daughter and a sister! How not to avenge them ?! "

What redress, what's the use? Is it clear that the crimes, so many lives can be resurrected?

What she is doing now is just what Tuobaxuan owes to her and the Chi family.

"Oh, hehehe ..."

Tuoba Xuan laughed, "Yes, yes, you deserve to hate me."

Now I want to think, one by one, one by one, it seems that Tao Wanshu has entered her trap! But, he was not reconciled! !

Covering the wound, he shouted loudly, "Hong Desheng! I order you to send the queen to accompany me immediately after I die!"

Chizhan, even if you die, you have to accompany me! This is where you provoke me!

The overwhelming end was a spitting of blood, and the whole person couldn't hold it anymore, planted it heavily, eyes blind, looking at the gloomy sky.


"Come on! Xuan Taiyi!"

The crowd was in chaos, Hong Desheng approached Tuobaxuan with red eyes, squatted down, and mourned: "Emperor, crash!"


This news was almost like a thunderstorm. Everyone was stunned. It happened so suddenly that they were too late to react.

Hong Desheng flicked the dust fiercely, walking toward Su Kui with a terrifying look.

At this moment, the sound is particularly sharp, and it seems to be able to pierce the eardrums of people. "The empress queen, the emperor ordered, he can't be without you below! You bear with it, minions, this will send you on the road!

When the emperor died, he couldn't survive. In this case, he had fulfilled his life of dedication and loyalty!

He took out a dagger violently, and then poked at Su Kui.

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