Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

When the time comes, it's not just her face!

Ask if she can act well?

This question, Su Kui, is probably the most qualified to answer her. And, is this Alice Academy play very difficult?

It is not her pride that she has sufficient qualifications to answer this question because of herself.

"Sister Xia, what I say now is imaginary. Now I can only say, thank you for giving me this opportunity. As for acting, when the shooting starts, it is enough to prove everything."

I thought about the summer of fantasy. Although the director and the deputy director heard this news, they wanted to replace Su Kui with the summer of fantasy. Shen Tumo in her mind.

Therefore, she was able to stand out from the crowd, and she decided that Su Kui would play this role!

Hearing Su Kui ’s answer here, Xia Xia was relieved and said, “That ’s OK, let ’s go back to the Internet and we will deal with it together. It ’s no big deal. Do n’t pay too much attention to the public ’s comments and want to go further in the entertainment circle. Psychological quality must be excellent first! "

Su Kui could hear that the other party was really thinking about her. Nodded and smiled, "Okay, Xiaoxia, see you the day after tomorrow."

The day after tomorrow is the start-up ceremony of the crew. At that time, all the participants will be present.

After the summer of fantasy, he hung up the phone, turned his head and called the director, saying: "I just contacted Qingfeng, Liu Dao, I believe my instincts, certain performance of Qingfeng will definitely let everyone Amazing! So, I do n’t agree with the role change. "

Liu Chengyi was anxious, "But she is a woman! You let a woman play a man, or an idol drama, you are sure that fans will not feel unbearable? If the show is broken, just the investor We ca n’t get along! "For this matter, his anxious hair was all gray.

Xia Xia Yi Yi walks alone, her voice is a little soft, "Liu Dao, let me try it first. If it doesn't work, you have to change roles later. I have no opinion, how?"

Having said this, she has made great concessions. Now, I only hope that Mo Qingfeng will not let her down.

And Liu Cheng, when he heard that Magic Summer said all this, opened his mouth, and finally sighed helplessly, "OK, you said so, what else can I say? Only hope that The girl will not live up to your expectations! "

It can be seen that Magic Summer really likes Mo Qingfeng. Liu Cheng can understand the excitement that an author sees a look and temperament that fully conforms to the characters in the article. Now the only thing he is afraid of is that fans do not buy it.

At the same time, the readers of the Alice Academy on the Internet were all blown up.

Shen Tumo's popularity has always been high, almost the same as the male host, so Su Kui was particularly miserable.

[Although you are good-looking, but a female to play a male role is still the male **** in my mind, I have a mom to sell it! 】

[Please give up this role, really do not want to see the male **** will be destroyed! 】

[@ 幻 之 夏, will you take a look at it? This man is a woman! I do n’t know if you know! 】

[Actually, to be fair, if no one tells you that the king is a woman, can you tell from the outside? 】

[What time is it, is it really bad? Whether the king is a man or a woman, I love deeply! 】

Yan value party is so capricious!

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