Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The highest state of women's play is nothing like this.


The crew was very busy because of the length, and wanted to catch up with the summer file. After the filming was completed, it had to be edited and then sent for review, which was a relatively troublesome part.

Now that March is almost over, and in June and July, students will begin to take vacations one after another.

So hurry up is normal.

Su Kui didn't have time to delay, basically entered the crew, he had to immediately start preparing for filming.

After the filming, it was already noon. I had lunch with everyone in the crew. Although the taste was not so good, everyone ate like this, and the atmosphere was pretty good.

After eating, it was a hard time to rest. Su Kui, who had no chance to see the specific situation, finally had time to post on Weibo.

Shumen Menlu found Weibo's hot spots and saw the top hot search at a glance.

# 谭 柯 女友 #

Click inside, and there are so many gossips with this title.

The first is the original text of a well-known gossip blogger.

Gossip Porter v: Last night Tan Ke's Weibo was stolen, I don't know how many people did not see it? But don't worry, witty netizens have taken screenshots, attached below. But what the blogger is saying today is not this matter, but the other one. As we all know, Mo Qingfeng is very hot now, and bloggers also lick all kinds of rprprprprprp of the king's prosperous beauty. There is no way. Who is calling us Yangou? Also, yesterday, the blogger said that Tan Ke was his girlfriend before. The blogger has the following views, please see the picture.

Photo: [Mo Qingfeng is very low-key at the Academy of Drama, but many people know it, and she knows a lot about her identity. The blogger in the photo doesn't quibble about being someone else, but standing together can prove that it is a relationship between a boyfriend and a boyfriend? The king is a sudden rise, and suddenly there is a fire. Some people can't sit still and want to rub the heat. This is a normal thing in the entertainment circle.

As for maliciously binding cp or something, it is a bit embarrassing. According to the information learned by the blogger, the king's background is good, his brother is Mo Qinglan, yes, you guessed right, it is that Mo Qinglan! But they did not rely on the relationship at home as soon as they made their debut, and let the big coffee come to play for her. Instead, they used their own efforts to get the position of the second male in the Alice Academy, which is called positive energy.

Furthermore, the king did indeed know Tan Ke, but it was only for acquaintance, it seems that the scene Tan Ke is currently filming was introduced by him. But it seems that after receiving the play, the two were neglected to contact ...

Finally, there may be a problem with the dress before the king, but who does not have a transition period? As if you are born with such a high tide, you can find a style that suits you all at once? Now the king finds himself, congratulations! 】

Then in addition to this picture-like long article, it is a screenshot of Weibo.

The content is as follows.

Tan Ke wants to work hard: I admit that yesterday's things were all hype. Here I want to say sorry to Mo Qingfeng, I am shameless, sorry! @ 清风 大王 来 巡山.

You can know who this style is at a glance.

Su Kui smiled, Zuo En, Zuo En, isn't this the tone of his message to himself last night?

Moreover, the blogger also said that after Tan Ke was stolen, he could not log in for two hours. Finally, he contacted the staff urgently to get back. It seems that Zhuo En is still a computer expert! Otherwise, the staff behind Weibo are all technicians, and it is impossible to find even a little thief of a public figure.

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