Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Threats, absolute threats.

His implication is that if Su Kui doesn't drink, she might be cut off directly afterwards.

This is a normal thing in the entertainment industry. Many even starred. When filming, the scenes were the most. After editing, I found that the camera could n’t even match a supporting role!

Anyway, she is not the protagonist, as long as it does not affect the protagonist.

"So much?" Su Kui dragged her fingers over the table and asked, "Director, these are high-concentration wines. After drinking, will you die?" She looked at the director with a smile.

The director has sat down again, and the coolly dressed actress snuggled into his arms, "That's not my business, in fact, you can't drink it!" He didn't care to smile.

His appearance is completely different from the serious and serious appearance when filming outside. Some of them who have just entered the circle are completely confused by this subversive image.

Su Kui feels that in this circle, everyone is a showman. It is not clear whether it is acting or acting.

Dong Sitian came out of the bathroom after vomiting at the same time, his steps were vain, but he saw a lot of sobriety.

When she heard the director ’s words, alcohol was on her head, and she said with a big tongue: “Director, director, I ’ll help her drink, okay?” She smiled, stumbled up, grabbed a bottle of wine, and then bite Corks.

Su Kui had a headache, she stepped forward and grabbed Dong Sitian, "What to drink? Put down, do you still want your stomach?"

Can't drink or drink, Su Kui doesn't know how to say she is good. Although the tone is cold, the heart is warm. Some people care about it, that's it.

Seeing her like this, the director was dissatisfied, "Why, she does n’t want to drink for you, then drink it yourself!"

Su Kui didn't speak. The music in the box didn't know when it had been turned off. The surroundings were quiet, only breathing. At this moment, a contemptuous smile came slowly, and Zhuo En casually fiddled with his long hair, lazily said: "I have an idea, do you want to know?"

"Drow?" Su Kui frowned, looking at Drow.

"Hush—" Zhuo En chuckled. "This matter, leave it to me." He raised his red lips, a charmed gesture that made a group of men almost look straight.

His fingertips almost touched his lips, Su Kuiding looked at him, and he could feel the emotions in his eyes. Suddenly he reached out and took his finger with his hand. "No, what I want to say is, if something is going to happen, together?"

She looks like a man in front of her, wearing casual clothes, long hair behind her head. A pair of peach blossom eyes with a cynical smile in their eyes, asked him with a bit of ridicule.

At that moment, Zuo En felt as if fireworks exploded in his brain, which was gorgeous and dazzling. The person in front of you, charming and terrible!

He sneered, "Okay!"

Several people have been fooled, is it possible that these two are Lara?

There are a lot of homosexuals in the circle, but it is relatively rare to be so bright and upright.

Dong Sitian was confused, leaning on Su Kui's shoulder and still muttering, "Fengfeng, that wine, you can't drink it, you will, you will die!"

"Okay, I know," Su Kui patted her face and put her on the sofa half-lying.

Then he turned to look at the director, "Does it have to make a decision today?"

"What do you think? The door is behind you, you can go at any time," the director spread his hands, his eyes full of malice.

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