Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

So, fifteen years old, Zhuo Lie found new gadgets again. In doing business, at that time, the domestic economic development was not as developed as it is now, so he spotted the Internet and showed his strengths in it.

Because he was particularly sensitive to computer data, he did it like a fish.

Even many times, the business he has done violates the edge of the law. However, every time he can close his hands in the most appropriate place, he can't hold a handle.

Until now, the wealth accumulated in his hands, I am afraid that even he can't count.

Lin Xiao and several of them thought that Zhuo Lie would continue this way. However, when he was 20 years old, he didn't know what the wind was, sold most of the industry, and began to live a idle life. Even obsessed with role-playing, and the role he plays is very strange in their eyes, what little loli, elder sister, punk girl.

Anyway, it's all women, especially the looks are particularly beautiful.

The most memorable thing is that when she appeared in front of them for the first time in a female dress, Lin Xiao didn't know what to do and flirted with it. Without any accident, she was beaten to find teeth.

Thinking of this, they all smiled and felt that it was time to get Zhuolie to gather again.


The schedule after Alice Academy was very full.

The next day, Zhuo Lie drove to pick her up and, according to Su Kui, wore men's clothing.

As soon as Su Kui got in the car, he just saw him like this, and he was still not used to it. Zhuo Lie, who has removed her makeup, is very tender, very tender, with a small face, delicate facial features, and the potential to make a small white face.

Su Kui also knew yesterday that Zhuo En is not his real name, Zhuo Lie is.

A simple black shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows, wearing a watch, a clean piece of hair on the forehead, black trousers, pointed leather shoes. Dressed more like a star than her star.

Su Kui raised an eyebrow, "I can't see it, it's still very handsome."

Zhuo Lie gave her a white look. "Seeing my men's clothes? Are you disappointed?" He said as he started the car and slowly drove out of the parking place.

Su Kui looked at it and nodded seriously, "It's so little."


Zhuo Lie slammed on the brakes and stared at her sharply, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, I was a bit disappointed," Su Kui smiled, not afraid of his cold eyes at all. "What do you do with a stinky face, am I wrong? You are not handsome!"

And she was not taller than her. Su Kui snickered at this.

I don't know when he remembers everything in the future. When he thinks about this life, will he feel blushed.

"You--" Zhuo Lie gritted his teeth, "Mo Qingfeng, you will mess with me again, you will regret it!"

"Repent?" Su Kui kicked him, motioned him to drive, and leaned back lazily. "Sorry or something, I will say it later, at least for now, I'm pretty cool."

"But you will wear women's clothing in the future."

This sentence made Zhuo Lie stunned. He thought the other party didn't like his dress. After all, in this world, most people think that men who like to wear women's clothes are perverted, but have never thought about it, maybe just because of interest?


"Because," Su Kui looked at him seriously, "I'm afraid you are too handsome to be seduced away," by comparison, men are much safer.

At least, Zhuo Lie is a straight, straight kind.

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