Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

He talked, Su Kui thought in silence.

Someone beside him sneered, Su Kui puzzled and looked away. He is a young man, he looks pretty ordinary, but he is quite tall, and when he is dressed well, it is a small piece of fresh meat.

He looked at Tan Ke coldly, his mouth squeezed together, only Su Kui could perceive his dissatisfaction.

Su Kui removed the microphone and said lightly: "This is the recording site."

In this way, the young man's face froze immediately, and remained silent for a long while without saying anything. With all that said, if the youth is stubborn, then the expression that he will be exposed on the show later will definitely make the media make a fuss.

Fortunately, the youth is not too stupid. After the reaction, he whispered thanks to Su Kui and his face recovered.

Even with a little laugh, when Tan Ke said it was funny, he would also applaud.

Su Kui had to sigh that all the people in this circle are talents!

Emotions, whatever, freely.


In the background, Zhuo Lie suddenly exploded when he saw the man coming out.


He grabbed his hair, grabbed the staff, stared at him secretly, and asked, "Why did Tan Ke come? In our contract, we didn't say that the guests present would have him? You ****** Yin us ?! "

The staff was so scared by him that the collar was blushing.

He shook his head, "I don't know, it's all arranged by the program team. You, let me go first!" The staff member said that he was wronged. He was not the master or the program planner. many.

Now suffering from innocence, there is no place to reason.

Weiwei also knew this, and quickly stepped forward to hold Zhuo Lie, and said softly: "Mr. Zhuo, Mr. Zhuo, let me go first, and then grab him, you will strangle him!"

Zhuo Lie doesn't care about this, in fact, he now has the heart to kill. Don't think he doesn't know what moths the program crew is thinking, but it's just because Su Kui and Tan Ke had a scandal, and because Su Kui is now popular, he wants to take the opportunity to fry cp to improve the ratings.

No wonder he didn't see him when he came, what plane was late, the ghost believed!

How can he be so busy as a little star? Even if you are a big star, you can come to the Happy Base as a guest, you will deliberately vacate the recording time, Zhuo En would not believe it, Tan Ke did not know how to do so!

This guess is basically the fact that Zhuo Lie snorted coldly, shook off the staff, and went out as soon as he lifted his foot.

Oh my God!

Wei Wei stopped Zhuo Lie in a hurry and secretly complained. People said that willful artists are the least easy to control, but in her view, willful agents, especially those with background and means, can't control it!

"Mr. Zhuo, Mr. Zhuo, do n’t be impulsive! It ’s already being recorded, so many audiences are watching! Even if you ’re dissatisfied with the program group, you have to wait for the program to end! Otherwise, let ’s do this Doesn't it fit the program crew's intention? "

Originally it was to increase the popularity, if Zhuo Lie went out to do things again, and provided them with a breakthrough point invisibly.


Zhuo Lie understands this, but as long as he thinks that Su Kuizheng is on the same stage with the man and will play games together later, he is inexplicable.

He grinded his teeth fiercely and pulled a cigarette into his mouth. "After the end, see how I can clean them up!"

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