Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The host's voice did not fall, Tan Ke had already rushed up.

The audience exclaimed, this is too fierce.

Su Kui's eyes were fast, and when he was about to rush, he fled away, Tan Ke smashed into the water, and he floated out of the water, choking a sip of water.

This is laughter in the eyes of the audience, but in the eyes of Tan Ke, it is humiliation.

He looked at Su Kui: Mo Qingfeng, don't go too far!

Su Kui raised an eyebrow: You are asking for too much!

As a result, the two sides stalemate for a minute, the ball is still suspended above the head. The more indifferent Su Kui was, the more tanned Tan Ke was a little manic, and the two stood up against each other.

Such a stalemate is not a matter. Su Kui took the lead in attacking. Tan Ke also moved when she moved. Just behind her, it seems that today he is hard-hearted and can't live with himself. Since that is the case, she doesn't have to save face for him anymore.

Although not much left before.

Her eyes flashed, and Tan Ke followed her closely, thinking that she was going to catch the ball, but Su Kui turned back abruptly, scaring him, and he would fall down when he slipped. Su Kui raised his eyes and stared at him with a smile, Tan Ke handed a circle, when he fell, he suddenly grabbed Su Kui's long hair hanging in front of him.

Her hair was tied together, but Tan Ke grabbed her hair ring and pulled it off directly.

Su Ku frowned as his scalp was numb.

Tan Ke held a hair ring in his hand and fell back. The host quickly asked Su Kui, "Are you all right? Is your hair hurt?"

Su Kui didn't hesitate to turn around and jump up, picking the ball, all in one go. While running towards the basketball hoop, I was still joking with the host, "Hair doesn't hurt, people hurt more."


What time is it, are you kidding!

However, there was a flash of appreciation in the host's eyes. This person's EQ is very high. If someone else, it may be directly overwhelmed. However, she was not affected at all, and she ran over to be a slam dunk.

"Wow--" Enter again! ! !

What concept? ! Five competitions and five goals, I'm afraid Tan Ke's face has been swollen!

Tan Ke gritted his teeth and lost all of his mistakes! He punched angrily on the water, splashing a splash of water, showing the power.

Su Kui then added oil and vinegar to add a sentence, "Don't forget our colored head, come on!"

On this show, the audience only felt that the trip was worthwhile, and they were almost full of laughs, especially Mo Qingfeng, even if Yan Yan was against the sky, the emotional intelligence was also so high!

She flicked her hair, Mo Qingfeng's hair was very long, and she was scattered, almost to the waist. Su Kui's show was originally a thin layer of makeup, and it has been washed away by water until now. She stood by the pool, leaned her head back, and held her hair behind her head, revealing a delicately contoured face. Looking at Su Kui, who was more charming and provocative under his long hair, the onlookers suddenly remembered.

The man whose boyfriend broke the watch just now is actually a girl!

Oh my god, it's so ridiculous! If you want to find a girlfriend like this, what else do boys need to do!

At this moment, this sentence is the most real thought of most girls!

The show finally ended.

Su Kui went backstage wearing a wet suit.

Zhuo Lie has returned to calm, he was very angry originally, even thinking about waiting for the end of the recording of the program, or not to smash this TV station to vent his anger. But now he was suddenly a little happy in his heart, because Tan Ke was on the stage, and his face was beaten like a dog, so miserable.

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