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Su Kui thought that Han Feiyan would be surprised, but he didn't expect that after he heard it, he laughed as if he heard something very funny.

"Ha ha ha ha old chapter, what are you kidding, this is Zhuo's agent? Is it enough for him to be a transsexual in a few days? You can pull it down!" Fierce, a small flame has jumped in his eyes.

Her pink lips curled up and she smiled innocently. The teeth are biting, "Is it? Me? Transgender? Do you want me to sponsor you to go to Thailand for a transgender free of charge? If you do n’t look good enough, I can subsidize you for a whole body facelift!

"My day !!!"

Han Feiyan jumped away, "Who are you lying on?"

Han Feiyan was almost dumbfounded. He knew that the online cos would wear women's clothing, but he didn't regard Diao Erlang as the best person in the world. I was in contact with this cute little loli. As a result, the little loli scared him to death.

This rough Chinese sound-

Han Feiyan had the feeling of thinking about the Japanese dog, and was stared at by those eyes. He had a feeling of coolness from his younger brother. He quickly covered it and said with a smile: "No, no, what, Agent Zhuo today. The dress is too subversive, I, I am a little unresponsive, huh, huh ... "

Zhang Yan is balanced, so you just said that he is my daughter. If he had such a daughter, his hair would be shed.

Zhuolie: "Hehe."

It's just that Han Feiyan glanced at the dark eyes like grapes, making him immediately cool his neck, a bit of a disaster.

Zhang Yan looked at Han Feiyan happily and smiled at Su Kui: "Since it's all here, let's go to see the author first. He has been watching the Alice Academy you played recently. To be honest, the acting skills are very good Okay, but he ’s a little worried, can you perform this role that does n’t eat human fireworks. "

Su Kui understands that Shen Tumo is a playboy, but the behavior is completely the opposite. In the novel, he is a fairy-like character who can only be seen from afar.

"Okay." Su Kui nodded and followed Zhang Yan.

Seeing this, Han Feiyan shouted, "Lao Zhang, you wait for me!"

Zhang Yan cast a self-seeking look on him, and led Su Kui into a makeshift lounge, where a middle-aged man wearing glasses, about thirty-five or sixty years old, was looking down at something.

He heard the footsteps and raised his head, he looked very ordinary, but his temperament was very gentle, and it made people feel good.

When he saw Su Kui's first glance, he immediately stood up and smiled: "Hello, I am the author of the anti-sword Qianniao, are you Mo Qingfeng? I know you, Alice Academy plays very well it is good!"

"Hello." Su Kui shook hands with him, and Zhuo Lie stared at him for a long while.

Chidori didn't know that he was being stared at by the careful-eyed man, and he smiled, "I don't know if you have read this novel against the sword, of course, it doesn't matter if you haven't.

"Naturally, I'm already a fan of you now. After all, only after reading the original book can you better understand and interpret this role, are you right?"

"Yes, yes." Qianniao promised, and admiration flashed in his eyes.

Indeed, there are too many people in the entertainment industry. The younger actors have already lacked the most serious attention to acting.

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