Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Qing Feng: Well, playing the second male in a TV series, I will soon join the group, and I will be busy when the time comes.

Dong Sitian: It's really great! improve together! Looking forward to cooperating with King again!

Breeze: Touch my head, me too.

Dong Sitian: Rub!

Dong Sitian: Ah, King, the agent called me, I will flash people first, I will have a chance to chat with you again!

Breeze: Okay.

Withdrawing from the dialog with Dong Sitian, Su Kui rubbed his eyebrows. Many actors who play TV series will choose to attack the big screen when the opportunity is ripe. It seems that it can appear on the big screen, which is a kind of affirmation of acting.

Tan Ke's acting is not bad, it is undoubtedly that he is known as the most capable of acting in the contemporary small fresh meat, and the most handsome in the acting small fresh meat.

No matter how worthless it is here in Su Kui, Tan Ke is also a handsome, fresh acting online acting in the eyes of his fans.

Su Kui didn't think much, but just said to Zhuo Lie: "Is there any good movie script recently? If there is a chance, help me watch the next one."

Zhuo Lie nodded, "Success!" He thought so too.

Anyway, from the heart, he is so determined that he can't get along with Tan Ke. If he makes movies, then they will also make them. Not only to shoot, but also to produce better than them, if the script is good, it must be higher than them!

This idea coincided with Su Kui.

Su Kui's goal is to step Tan Ke down and stand to the top position first, so that in the future, Tan Ke can only look up at her whenever he looks up!


A week later, all the actors of Ni Jian were in place, and overwhelming publicity stills began to appear on the Internet.

Anti-Sword Official Weibo v: After three months of intense preparations, the anti-sword that everyone is looking forward to is finally on the scene. Presumably, fans are already hungry and impatient? So, next, let's show you a set of stills. Every day in the future, we must pay attention to the official Weibo of Weijian. Every day, the news broke, I want you to look good! @ 纪 新星, @ 千 鸟.

A group of stills is exposed one day, and only the wayward producer like Ni Jian can do it.

Most of Ji Xinxing is in a state of refuge in the play, so his dress is naturally not so tall. A commoner, carrying a epee behind him, a set of stills, silently telling his journey along the way.

At first he was full of hatred, and the stubborn stubbornness between the eyebrows. Then on the journey, he met some good or bad people, let him continue to grow rapidly. Until the end, it was a scene of him wearing a black tabard, holding the Kunlun sword in his hands, his eyes roaring fiercely.

This person is actually in the circle, not too young. Thirty years old, starred in a 17-year-old boy, but it seems that there is no sense of disobedience.

Sometimes acting has a cosmetic effect.

Fans who have long been looking forward to the shooting of the anti-sword have sent congratulatory messages and called friends.

[Aoao, the people of the imperial capital sent a congratulatory message! 】

[Tiancheng people sent congratulations! 】

[The original fan sent a congratulatory message. With such a production, I am relieved to see the lineup of directors and actors! 】

[That, my sister secretly asked, who is the one who played me to stop the male god? 】

[Do n’t destroy me to stop the male god! ! ! 】

[Ji Xinxing is still so handsome! like! Fan you ten thousand years! 】

[Congratulations to my old Ji to have another classic! Hi Sen! 】

[Can the producer not be so pitted? At this rhythm, is a set of stills exposed every day? When will my male **** see? I really want to send a blade to the film party! 】

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