Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Zhuo Lie exploded at once, "Lao Zi is a man, you know? Really authentic, there are ** men !! What a cute, how can it be used on me ?! What other shit, En Lao called Zhuo Lie!"


A group of cute little girls who have been paying attention to this side have their eyes lighted up, and they can't help but wow and widen their eyes.

Boys eh? Is it such a cute boy?

Boys in women's clothing, should they be so cute! ! ! !


"Sorry, hahahaha, I really, kind of, can't help hahahahaha ..."

As soon as Su Kui thought of Zhuo Lie's arrogant appearance, he exposed false sounds as soon as he got angry. As a result, he was embarrassed by the onlookers and wanted to laugh sympathetically.

Zhuo Lie's face was black. "What do you see, haven't you seen a man wearing a woman's dress? Why? Isn't Laozi wearing a woman's dress not good-looking ?!" He flicked his hair and simply gave up.

Don't you like to watch Lao Zi out I brought you together!

The girls carefully looked at Zhuo Lie and nodded madly, "Little brother is really super nice to wear women's clothes. QAQ is going to like you! Oh, don't you know that little brother has a boyfriend? If not, we can introduce you one. ! "

Su Kui suddenly felt a little bad, because Zhuo Lie turned around to look at her at this time.

Su Kui: "What do you want to do?"

Ha ha--

Zhuo Lie grinned and took Su Kui's wrist with a smile, leaning his head on Su Kui's shoulder intimately, "No, I already have a boyfriend!" The voice is sweet, but the voice is still his The rough Han sound of the cigarette throat, and the pink and lovely appearance, the difference is particularly obvious.


The girls were amazed again, and the mobile phone shutter never stopped. "Then I wish the little brothers a hundred years of good luck and have a good son early. I wish you all together forever!"


"Come on! Good luck to you!"

"Same **** is true love, come on, come on!"

Su Kui: "..." mdzz.


After a series of farce, the two walked in the square next to the imperial bridge across the river. Some people were showing fireworks on the riverside. The gorgeous fireworks exploded overhead, and the whole night was decorated. In the evening breeze, Su Kui put his hands in the coat pocket and sneered, "Enough playing?"

Zhuo Lie jumped and sat on the chair, his legs were not honestly tilted Erlang's legs, "You are the first to pit me, do not pull you into the water to meet me?" He raised his eyebrows in return.

Su Kui was undecided and sat down beside him.

"Have you lost your breath and exposed your voice first? It is estimated that the matter tonight has been exposed online. Your agent is not very competent." Not to protect the privacy of the artist, the first thing I thought was to take her Also dragged into the water and embarrassed with him.

It's funny to think about it, childish ghost.

Hearing this, Zhuo Lie thought of it, and suddenly thought, "Yeah, forget that I am your agent, it's broken, now it's estimated that it's overturned on the Internet now?" , I have to call the public relations to let them deal with things quickly. "

"Okay." Su Kui pressed his boot hand.

"Since it was photographed, let's expose it, sooner or later, isn't it?"

Zhuo Lie gave his hand, and his heart suddenly mentioned his throat, inexplicably looking forward, "what sooner or later ..."

Su Kui looked sideways. Under the fireworks, the other person's whole person was beautiful and unreasonable. Of course, he didn't speak.

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