Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

There seemed to be a dripping sound somewhere in the warehouse, and in such a quiet atmosphere, there was a trace of tension.

"Oh--is it?"

The woman ’s voice was very soft, and she was lazy and careless, “Everything is not over, it ’s too early to say that.”


The man's brow furrowed, something instinct was wrong, he clenched the gun, and suddenly heard a cat meow.

"Meow," the black shadow flashed, a snow-white Persian cat, his sharp claws rushing to his door. He conditioned to hide, but a few bloodstains were still caught on his hand, and the gun came out.


Everyone who sees this knows that reversal is coming!

Sure enough, in the next second, when the man reacted, the gun with him was already held by a snow-white hand, and the muzzle of the black hole came against his head.

"Now you say, have I lost?"


The woman finally showed her face, with long black curly hair, wrapped in a red mink coat, black leather pants, and high-heeled boots.

It's Mo Qingfeng! ! !

The fans were boiling, and the woman in front of her who raised her hand with endless femininity was actually Mo Qingfeng who played a man in a two-step TV series in succession! !

【Ahhhhhh! ! ! Oh my god, the king is so beautiful! ! 】

[I ’ve heard a word called Gou Ling Shi Po, I do n’t know what it means, but now, I see the King ’s eyes, I know! ! ! 】

[Fell down under the beauty of the king's heyday. 】

[Really beautiful! ! ! Almost didn't recognize it! 】

[So, this time, is my king a big villain? Wow, I look forward to it! }

[The third day of the movie must go! 】

[My heart, my heart, my heart is for you! 】

[I think the king must be a supermodel to be a model, is there too much aura? Just standing there, the strength and domineering coming from the face are enough to make the legs soft! 】

【queen! Face me! 】

The killing official announced that the fans were responding enthusiastically and knew that he was right. Before, they had been slow to expose Su Kui's picture. They were scolded by fans a lot, and now they finally have a feeling of raising their eyebrows.

This contrast, big enough? Shocked enough?


Su Kui and Dong Sitian were very busy these two days, and Yuanhua Biography will be released, scheduled for the third day. Su Kui went to the trailer and Tan Ke and Dong Sitian performed well, but they didn't know what happened to the film.

As we all know, now the movie always likes to put all the essence in the trailer, attracting fans to go to the cinema to buy tickets to watch. But many people come out of the movie theater, and they will vomit, and the whole drama hasn't had a good trailer yet.

So, everything, wait for the day of the release, see the difference.


The third day.

After attending the premiere, Zhuo Lie brought Su Kui into the audience. The movie where Su Kui starred was killed.

This movie is a huge investment, and the content is changed from the story in reality. It is still very shocking to present it in this form.

At least, listening to the exclamation and admiration from the audience around from time to time, Su Kui knew that this time the box office was stable.

After watching the movie, the two joined hands quietly like the little lovers who came together, and walked out from the front door with no problems.

After each movie is released, there will be critics who post comments online, and these comments often affect a part of the audience to decide whether to go to the cinema.

Sitting in the car, Zhuo Lie started to comment on a well-known movie review website.

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