Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

This time, she will never go to the muddy water again. She will go back to Jinling, guarding her younger brother and taking care of him as an adult. Never let him be deliberately brought up as a dude, or let him fall in love with Yunyue, and end up miserably.

"Miss, the water is coming."

Ying'er's words interrupted Su Kui's contemplation. She smiled and lifted the curtain and said: "Come on, get home immediately. I have been away for a few months, and I don't know what happened to Jin'er." She was a little confused. .

Ying'er heard this sentence and smiled, "Oh, miss, my lord, he is the most intelligent, but you have only been away for a few months. Some clan elders are looking after him. ! "

"hope so."

The horse pulling the cart kicked and started to move forward. In ancient times, this was inconvenient. From Kyoto to Jinling, it took almost half a month to walk to the door.

Jinling here is different from Jinling as Su Kui knew. In the world where she lives, Jinling is an ancient imperial city, and here, the emperor ’s residence is not here.

The Shen family's house is very large, because Shen mother likes to raise some flowers and plants, and Shen father listens to her everything. This house was built as a love nest for two people. There are a pair of children, and every spring and summer, the flowers bloom, causing many ladies in Jinling to come to watch.

However, since Shen Mother died, it has withered.

In front of the door is a three-story stone staircase with stone lions standing on either side, a male lion and a female lion stepping on a lion's feet at the foot of the mother, implying prosperity and wealth.

Although Su Kui thought of Shen Rong and her future encounters and the future of the Shen family, she could not help shaking her head. Sometimes, superstition was not very credible. The two lions neither guarded the Shen family nor the family.

Seeing these in front of me, I really don't know what to say.

Su Kui lifted his chin, "Ying'er, call the door."

When she came back, the Shen family didn't get the news. But Su Kui was ready to take over the mess, and later, I was afraid that the best relatives would not let go.

Seeing that the Shen family is dying, no one can rely on it. Everyone wants to share a piece of soup.


Ying'er jumped off the carriage, stepped forward in three or five steps, and pulled the knocker.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk--"

The uncle who guarded the door was Lao Hong, who had kept the door for a long time for the Shen family. He wrapped the jacket and opened his door with his eyes narrowed. Yo, why did you come back, lady ?! "

As soon as he looked up, he saw the girl who had just got out of the carriage, with long black hair, dressed in white cloak of fox fur, and a water-blue skirt inside, and only two plain flowers were embroidered on the skirt.

While she was keeping her filial piety, she was very simple in dress.

As soon as Lao Hong saw her, her eyes turned red, and she knelt on the ground with a thump. "Miss, you can count back!"

He watched the two children grow up in this mansion, and even regarded himself as a member of the Shen family. After watching the Shen family's generation of charity, he finally fell into this field, and only felt sad.

It was even more sad to think about those who lived in the house.

"What's wrong, Uncle Hong?" Su Kui raised his eyebrows, intuition that something bad was about to happen, and stepped forward in two or three steps, "Uncle Hong, get up first, let me go in and see!"

After she finished speaking, she threw her sleeves, strode across the front yard, and walked directly towards the nave.

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