Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

They can be so arrogant in front of Su Kui, because they have recognized Shen Ronghe's temperament, so they can handle it. But they probably didn't think that the person in front of him was wearing Shen Ronghe's skin, but inside, he really changed a person.

Still the kind of soft and hard to eat, like copper peas like characters.

But now Su Kui said that he wanted to report to the official, and he also asked the elders, but they startled them. Unless it's a major event, the clan elders generally won't intervene, but if the clan elders knew that their brothers ran to Shen Qing's house just a few months after their death and flirted with the actresses in the Qinglou, they also invited the opera to sing.

In that rage, haven't they removed their brothers from the genealogy?

A big family like the Shen family is most concerned about the rules, but they are withering away. Two people like Shen Zheng and Shen Ming are so disappointed.

Seeing him hold Yinger, Su Kui didn't respond, and his eyes ordered him to pour another cup of tea, and then said lightly, "Uncle, I'm not kidding, please let go of my girl, you and those actors. It ’s okay to just move the foot. Why do you want to move the maid next to your niece? Huh? ”She picked up the final voice, seeming to be careless, but it really made Shen Ming and Shen Zheng feel the pressure.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, and Shen Ming never thought of it. When he went to Kyoto, his niece, soft persimmon, seemed to have a character and became so difficult.

Report to the officer and report to the officer without giving the slightest affection.

The two of them were in a dilemma, and it was really difficult for them to come to the table.

Shen Ming loosed her hands, and Shen Zheng rubbed her hands to Su Kuidao: "Big niece, do you think you are serious? Brother likes to listen to music during his lifetime, so your second uncle asked him to invite the troupe and save him. Are you lonely with Dasao underground? "

Su Kui looked at his left hand, looking at the crisscross lines above, and said in a manly voice: "Second Uncle, this song, sing in the sun, that is for the living. If you want my father to hear I ’m afraid I ’m going to send all the people in the drama team before they can hear it. Of course, in order to prevent my father from knowing your intentions, would you go down and explain to my father? "

She sneered sneered, her pair of squinted eyes was amazing, and her dark eyes seemed to be covered with veils, making them invisible. The crystal looks like a girl, her hair is light, and her plain clothes are hard to conceal. She has red lips and white teeth. She can look into her eyes and teach people to chill from the bones.

These words are poisonous, curse them to die!

"Shen Ronghe, you are arrogant!" Shen Ming shivered, pointing at her nose, and his beard was flying.

Su Kui's side eyes, long and thick eyelashes drooped, "Sakura, go to the official."

"Dare you!" Shen Zheng glared, a little girl, he could not believe her!

"Do you think I dare or not?" Su Kui glanced at his face, his eyes without any temperature falling on his face, "Ying'er, go!"

Shen Zheng's body stiffened. The girl went to Kyoto for a few months and became terrible. With these eyes alone, she could not see the innocence of Ding Dian's girl, as if she could not penetrate into Ding Dian's light, calling him creepy. .

"you you--"

"Second Uncle or Third Uncle, sit still, save some energy, and explain to Zhifu later! By the way, my niece, I also want to hear it very much. What a big battle you have, come to Shenfu for me! I'm not afraid of being disturbed. Soul, are you upset? "

Ying'er's heart and reason stand on his side, and when he saw that Su Ku couldn't take a loss, he nodded.

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