Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Move away, where do we move? Isn't it our house here?" Liu's doubts, Shen Ming's wife also nodded, all puzzled.

"Wo Daoren, how come there are so many words? I ask you to tidy up, hurry up!" The words of the girl just echoed in his mind, and now it is better to be blasted out by then.

Shen Ming sneered. "It's not Shen Rong and the dead girl. She came back and happened to hit us while listening to music. This is not. I want to ask the old clan newspaper officer! If I don't leave now, what can I do?"


Mrs. Shen Ming glared, "That dead girl dare to report to the officer? Where is she? See how the old lady does not tear her mouth, see how arrogant she is!" After that, she rubbed her hands and went to Su Kui to settle the bill.

I don't think about it. What she used to find someone to settle the accounts, she dominated the magpie's nest, the name was not correct, and no matter who judged, it was impossible to stand on their side.

"Okay, isn't it embarrassing?"

With Shen Rong and the girl's sharp and sharp posture, no one can go well. When the time comes, there will be a lot of trouble, even if you do not invite the elders, the elders should hear the news.


Su Kui went out and was going to see Shen Ronghe's brother Shen Rongjin, but just lifted his foot and bumped into a small figure.


Su Kui groaned, but the little figure couldn't bear gravity and fell to the ground.

Ying'er was pleased when she saw the coming person behind her, "Little Master, why are you here? But when I heard that Miss was back?"

So this is Shen Rongjin.

Su Kui lowered her eyes and looked at her child indifferently, sitting on the ground, not ignoring the flash of anger in his eyes. Raised an eyebrow, it seems that the child is very dissatisfied with her.

Shen Rongjin looked at the age of about eight or nine years old, a thin blue robe, and a corner. With a face like a crown jade, just looking at the facial features that are not yet open now, you know that in the future, you will certainly be a handsome person.

However, Su Kui's eyes were a bit cold after seeing the injuries on his face.

"Face, what's going on?"

Shen Rongjin also had bruises on the corners of his mouth, and there was a large scab on his forehead.

Ying'er was also scared to cover her mouth, "God, young master, you are ..."

Unexpectedly, this sentence also awakened the other party. Shen Rongjin got up from the ground, glared at Su Kui fiercely, and turned away.

Yinger chased two steps, "Hey, young master, what are you running, young lady is back, you--"


Su Kui interrupted her lightly, "No need to call, this kid hates me, let's go, where can he run again, go and see."

"But why did he ..." Ying'er blinked, puzzled.

Naturally, she hated her for leaving him alone and being bullied, even the house was occupied, but she went to Kyoto alone to hide.


Su Kui walked all the way into the backyard. At this time, the housekeeper also heard the news, "Miss, are you back?"

"Huh." Su Kui nodded faintly. The butler was very thin and looked like a monkey. He looked old and did not look like a good person at a glance, but Su Kui knew that Father Shen had a life-saving grace for this person, He is absolutely loyal to the Shen family.

At the time Shen Ronghe was in Kyoto, he wrote countless letters to Shen Ronghe, telling about Shen Rongjin's difficulties, but in the end, none of the letters reached her.

"Yu Bo, has the group gone?" She asked.

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