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After all, she didn't stay any longer because Ying'er had called her outside.

Su Kui took a few steps and looked sideways, "Farewell, what happened today has never happened to me. I have come to incense to worship Buddha. I have never seen those men in black, and I have never seen a single-minded gentleman. "The words fell and walked in the same direction as when they came.

Yinger saw Su Kui with a sigh of relief, and led her to follow her, "Miss, didn't you ask for it? Mrs. Guo Gong and Xiao Junzhu have asked for it, and now, she's going down the mountain!" She Curious, no one wants to go to the monastery.

It is said that Su Kui's mind is just a matter of talent. Shaking his head, "It is better to ask for Buddha than to pray for yourself. Now, I know myself and go."

Ying'er nodded, but didn't know, just now, a life-threatening incident happened to her own lady.


Mo Qianqiu crossed the eyes with a bit of interest, standing under the acacia tree with his hands down, looking at the slender and thin girl walking away. The girl is a smart man, but, in this world today, she is too smart to know whether it is good or bad.

"Sir?" Devil May Cry jumped in from outside the courtyard wearing a plain monk robe, and said to Mo Qianqiu: "It's windy outside, go in."

"Amitabha." Mo Qianqiu lowered his eyes and said a Buddhist number, his hands folded.

"Tonight, recite the Scripture with me in the Buddhist temple." He said lightly.

Devil Weeping respectfully bowed his head and said: "Yes, sir."

After every accident, the sir would always have to read the Scriptures in the Buddhist temple. He was used to it. It's just a pity that the gentleman's amazing talent finally ended up like this.


Gongsun Zhuoyue took a carriage with Su Kui, and followed leisurely behind the carriage in Guogongfu.

Some of their guards opened the way, unimpeded all the way.

"Rong He, I want to eat the thousand-layer cake in your house, and I won't go back to the government house today. How about you to keep me?" Gongsun Zhuoyue smiled like a hamster, and took a bite to Su Kui for a while Coquettishly said.

Su Kui raised her eyebrows, "Which time did you come to eat and drink and ask for my opinion? Shen Fu will not be able to accommodate you?"

"Hey, that's not the same!" Gongsun Zhuoyue quibble, opened the curtain and told the girl outside: "Muchun, you go and tell my mother, I will not go back to the government with her. I live in Shenfu today and call her rest assured!"

Twilight nodded and led his life.

Ever since he knew Su Kui, Gongsun Zhuoyue ran towards Shenfu in three days, and the people in Guogongfu were used to it. Especially a few female dependents, I wish she could go to Shenfu, because every time she came back, she could bring a bunch of novel goodies.

If Su Kui invented something fresh, it was also their first taste.

Nowadays, the outside world does not know how envious of the Guo Gong Mansion. The females in the party attended the banquet.

Its bright colors and gorgeous dress styles have become the enviable objects of the Jinling women.


Arriving in Shenfu, Yu Bo had been waiting at the door.

Seeing Shen's carriage arrive, he quickly greeted him. Su Kui saw Yu Bo's face stunned and stunned for a moment. Shen Sheng asked, "Yu Bo, what happened in the house?"

Yu Bo was originally anxious, and suddenly heard the girl's calm voice, and she couldn't help but quiet down.

So, while he helped Su Kui down, he said things quickly.

"Missy, Mrs. Shen Er and Mrs. San came over, and they also brought Miss Qingshuang and Miss Qingyun. As soon as they came in, they called the minions to call the young master, and now, in the front hall, you ..."

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