Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Is she in charge?

Is it possible that her elders are gone? Mo Qianqiu lived on the mountain for a long time, and he didn't know how old Jinling is now, regardless of how long the world is.


Seeing him nodding, Su Kui no longer took the carriage, but chose to walk with Mo Qianqiu. Instead, Mo Qianqiu saw her and asked her to ride in a carriage and follow her behind.

Su Kui heard this and just laughed, "Sir, are you worried about making trouble?"

Right? Is he less contaminated?

"No, I'm just worried about ruining the girl's reputation," she looks like a mature girl, but in the end she is a girl who hasn't been out of the cabinet. If she is seen by someone with heart, does it ruin her reputation?

"Fame?" Su Kui raised his eyebrows. "Famousness is just for others to see, and I have always pursued my heart. As for my image, whether it is good or bad in the eyes of outsiders, what does it do to me? ? "

She was never afraid of gossip, her backbone was always straight, and she wanted to be ashamed of herself and herself.

Mo Qianqiu found that the closer he is to this girl, the more open-minded he is to see things and things, and has his own set of standards, not bound by the world.

"The girl was shocked." He sighed.

The two said as they walked, and passers-by also saw an outstanding young girl walking in front, followed by the young maidservant and a man in a green shirt, with a gentle and gentle character, and they did not know what the relationship was between them.

Because of curiosity, he couldn't help but look at it more.

"Sir, please come in. This store is being renovated. It's a bit sloppy inside, and I hope it doesn't matter." Then, she took the lead into the store.

This shop was originally selling items such as pen, ink, paper, inkstone, etc., but the business is not very good. This shopkeeper is a book reader. Although his mind is active, he is not the one who waits to eat. Father Shen once had a favor, so when he learned that Su Kui would renovate this shop selling pen and ink and resell rouge and gouache, he did not push it away, but instead continued to be the shopkeeper here.

"Miss, are you here?"

Seeing that Su Kui came over, Xi Hanyi quickly greeted him. He had been informed that Su Kui was coming, and he was here early in the morning.

Su Kui nodded, "Well, what's the matter?" She narrowed her eyes and looked around. Seeing that it was outlined, many places were not far from the design drawings she drew, and she was somewhat satisfied.

The craftsmanship of ancient craftsmen should not be underestimated.

Su Kui never underestimated the wisdom of the ancients. Even the intentions and wisdom of the ancients far exceeded those of the moderns. How long can a modern house live? The buildings left over from ancient times can be immortal for thousands of years, and they can still be maintained to this day, but it can be done without just talking about it.

"It's almost the same, the counter we have made is ready, just wait for it to be done here, and then you can move in!" Xi Hanyi kept staring and handed it to others.

God knows how amazing he was when he saw the drawing drawn by Su Kui. Not to mention the painter, that is the whimsy of architecture, which is far ahead of all the house design families today.

While reporting, he casually looked at Mo Qianqiu behind Su Kui, remembering that he had never seen this person last time.

"Miss, this gentleman is ..."

Although the man in front of him was dressed in plain, yet his body was extraordinary, Xi Hanyi asked himself with some eyesight. Therefore, he did not have an abruptness, but held his fists respectfully.

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