Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1996: Emperor Teacher (Fifty-Five)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Regarding Su Kui's jokes, everyone will naturally give her a little face, and will not care about Yunyue in general.

Therefore, just in Su Kuiyu's smiling face, she calmly gave Yun Yue a glance, instructing her to go to rest first. Yunyue's face changed, her small face was a bit gray, and her head fell silently from the back.

Qing Pei shook her head secretly, and the lady asked her to take a look at Miss Shen's bottom while the lady was coming this time. However, now that the other side's bottom was not found, it was the temperament of her own lady that was all exposed.

Although I knew this lady had a weak temperament, she could not get on the table. But everyone will grow up, and when she goes to her parents, Miss Shen will be able to carry the whole Shen family with one person's strength, and her lady is just scared by a few pairs of eyes at a banquet. Guts.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help sighing. If the young lady had always been like this, her task would be much harder.


Rethink the courtyard.

The cool breeze is practiced, and the stars are extinguishing and blinking above the night.

The man sat quietly in the yard, his thin bones and sharp fingers carelessly fiddled with the strings. The silhouette under the night was dark and unclear, and it became more mysterious.

The unharmonious piano sounds flowed from his fingertips, and he stood behind him with a weeping cry and touched his head. He could n’t help but say: “Sir, Miss Su is feasting the guests in the back garden. Go and see? "

Hearing the words, Mo Qianqiu's eyes lifted slightly, his eyes were as clean as jade, and his voice was cold. "Deep crying, after seven years of chanting, your heart can't settle down."

The backyard is full of women, what is he going to count? Moreover, he doesn't like hilarity.

Devil May Cry knows this too, but he ca n’t bear to be curious. He smiled embarrassedly, “I heard what Missy did recently, and only thought that if you were born in troubled times, you could become a generation of female owls even if you were a woman! "

Prior to this, his cognition of women stayed in the three obedience and the four virtues, only to promise. Or maybe those heroic heroines in the rivers and lakes, never imagined that there is still a woman in the world.

She is like a peony with a beautiful national appearance. She is beautiful and beautiful, but she has an arrogant personality. She is not bowed by the world, nor is it bullied by power. There is a gully in my heart, not only living in this world, but also having my own set of rules.

He was still wondering how she coaxed her husband who had been in the hidden world for many years to come forward and teach Shen Rongjin to study. But now, he found that what he saw and heard in Fufu was different from what he had seen.

"Oh--" Mo Qianqiu listened, and only smiled lowly, said: "If you want to see it, go, just don't come close, Mo Yao has disturbed the women."

In the eyes of others, the behavior of devil weeping is almost the same as the peeping Deng Tuozi. Of course, neither of them is an old-fashioned, obedient, not to mention, although Devil May Cry escapes from his character, that heart has already been converted to Buddha.

Devil's sobbing eyes lit up and ran away, and hurriedly responded: "I know, I naturally save it, I only look at it from a distance, and then come back! Sir, don't sit in the yard too long, beware of cold ! "

Mo Qianqiu nodded helplessly, and the ghostly weeping figure there was gone.


In the back garden.

Halfway through the dinner, Su Kui raised his eyes indifferently, keeping a close eye on Yinger's meeting here, and respectfully stepped back two steps and clapped his hands.

With two crisp high-fives, everyone's eyes were attracted.

It was at this time that a flute sound that suddenly heard from far away came from afar.

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