Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui noticed the other person's warning eyes, not only not afraid, but also looked back calmly and smiled very brightly.

It's just that smile, looking in Shen Zheng's eyes, but it feels like ten thousand ants crawling in the bone, it is disturbing, and the chill rises from the bottom of the foot.

In this feeling, only listen to Su Kuizheng said: "The patriarch grandfather, all the things I want to ask are real, I only hope that after I say it, all the clan elders can make decisions for us!"

"You say yes!" One of the clan nods nodded solemnly, "If someone really bullies you, we will naturally not stand idly by."

Su Kui originally wanted to resolve this matter in private, but since these people were shameless, she completely ripped this layer of shame cloth off to them and made them afraid of her. Seeing her in the future, she hides!

"I came home from Kyoto a few months ago. I did n’t say hello to anyone. I did n’t even want to enter the house. I heard the babble of the opera, and all kinds of obscene and melodious songs were unbearable. I saw the second uncle and the third uncle in my Shenfu Flower Hall holding a little girl listening to music. Not long after my father went, everything in the house was simple. Now, I still have a puzzle, and I want to ask not only the elders but also the second. Uncle Sanshu, my father, had treated you two brothers badly! In this matter, I do n’t know what your tribes think? "

Su Kui said nothing, his eyes fell on the headed patriarch.

Mo Qianqiu sat next to the door, squinting and sipping tea in the cup, listening to the word, finally understood why this girl could cultivate this inhuman will, even the knife rested on the neck Change color.

Facing a group of jackals, tigers, and leopards, if they don't want to be skinned, they will naturally become more ruthless and stronger than them!

Unclear about the Dao, he felt a sense of distress in his heart, and he was a little ridiculous. He lived for nearly thirty years and actually distressed a girl who was ten years younger than himself.

Devil crying could not help but fist, this group of people, really deceived too much!

Even if he was afraid of seeing people in rivers and lakes before, he was principled, and respecting the dead was the most basic morality!

"Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

The old clan could not help shaking his head and sighed, looking into Shen Zheng Shen Ming's eyes, all disappointed.

Shen Zheng panicked, "Patriarch, uncles, you listen to me explain, this is the malicious arrangement of Shen Rong and this girl, how can we do such a kind of lost conscience!"

"Worrying the conscience?" Su Kui couldn't help but laugh. "It turns out that the second uncle and the third uncle also know that the conscience is dying. If everyone in your family doesn't believe it, there are a lot of people in our house. The proof is that! If I have wronged you with a sentence, I personally apologize, and give all the property that my father left me to the second uncle and third uncle, the right to pay the crime, just ask, do you dare, or not dare?!"

Her eyes were very dark, her eyes were picking up, and when she swept coldly, with endless sharpness and fierceness, she couldn't stop saying nothing.

Seeing their silence, the clan elders knew that most of this matter was true!

This is not over yet, Su Kui paced two steps, and continued: "The second thing, after I came back, Jin'er had a life with me, and blamed me for going to Kyoto, leaving him alone and being bullied in Jinling. I saw He had blood scabs on his forehead and bruises all over his body. All the evil slaves in his yard actually bullied him. "

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