Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2032: Emperor Division (Ninety-two)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The concierge got the news as early as a few hours ago, knowing that Jinling's Ms. Watch and Ms. Fufu II were coming. At this time, they had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Seeing Su Kui coming down, he quickly walked forward to the respectful salute and said, "Miss Watch and Master are here. The old lady and the doctors have been waiting for a long time. Please come in."

Then he said to Yunyue: "Miss, you've been working hard all the way, but the old lady has been nagging you, just come back safely. Now they are waiting at the old lady's Fushouyuan. The wind is strong outside. Come in now! "

The little man looked only 16 or 7 years old and spoke very cleverly.

The housekeeper also rushed to hear the sound, greeted Su Kui and Shen Rongjin with a smile, reached out and made an invitation, and invited several people to the house.

It is worthy of being the most prosperous home. The current family member of Yunfu is the uncle of Shen Ronghe, named Yun Zeming, who holds the post of Shanghu in the current imperial court and holds high authority. The Yun family is in the sky in Kyoto, and it is the heyday.

Fuzhong pavilions and towers have a winding path, which is more atmospheric than Shenfu.

Being led all the way to Fushouyuan, Shen Rongjinchu went to an unfamiliar place. It can be said that since his birth, he began to pass through Yunfu in the future. Naturally, I have not seen those grandmothers, uncles and the like.

Now it looks like they are all strangers at all, and the strange scenery depends on Su Kui, with her small hands clinging tightly to her corner of her clothes.

He was scared. Last time I heard that my sister was coming to Kyoto, many people told him that his sister would not come back. Now come here again, what if these people don't let my sister go back?

He doesn't want to be bullied! Thinking about this, his hand gripped tighter.

Su Kui smiled, touched his head, and said softly: "Jin'er is not afraid, here is your grandmother's home, and your uncle who loves you, we are here to give my grandmother a birthday, and wait for the birthday to end, Let's go back, rest assured, eh? "

No need to guess, Su Kui knows what Shen Rongjin is afraid of.

Also for a decade of being bitten by a snake and afraid of the well rope, Su Kui would not let a child hold so many things in his heart, so he immediately said yes to him. Let him know that he will not leave him alone and let him bully.

Shen Rongjin heard a small blush and focused on her head with a nasal voice, "Uh!"

"Remember to see the elders salute later, you know?" Su Kui ordered, led by the grandma beside the old lady, and entered the inner room all the way.

All the women were inside, and Xiao Xiao stopped outside the courtyard.

Unlike places like Jinling, in Kyoto, people are being watched in words and deeds with strict rules.

After crossing the screen and walking to the middle, I saw the position directly above and sat a graceful old lady. This man is the old lady in the house who says nothing.

And next to her is Shen Ronghe ’s aunt, the eldest lady, and next to them are the second lady and the third lady who are sitting.

These are Shen Ronghe's aunts.

The Yun family male is prosperous, the old lady has two sons, and the second uncle is the surname. But the old lady was kind and treated her son as her own. Now the old lady is going to be the master. Uncle Yun Zeming is the master.

In addition, there are many girls standing. These are the daughters or nieces of these people. Seeing Su Kui walk in with Shen Rongjin, they looked at her curiously.

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