Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

In addition to Jinling's specialty cloth, it is naturally the rouge gouache that is abundant in Su Kui shops.

Someone has long heard about Lantingxu ’s fat powder, but I did n’t even know that Lantingxu was actually a shop opened by his sister. Looking at the bowl, the sisters in the pot snatched it.

"Sister Rong and I didn't expect this store, it was you who opened it!"

"That feeling is good. In the future, our sisters would like to ask for a box of Lan Tingxu's fat powder, so you don't need to care about it!"

"Rong and sister are really good at this. When I came to Kyoto this time, my sister found that you seemed to be different from when you left."

Hearing this sentence, Yunyue squinted, it was impossible, and Shen Ronghe didn't cross over long after, though?

If you think about it carefully and think it is possible, this person is not small. If he had such a temperament before, how could he have a good relationship with the original Yunyue? After all, after learning from Qingpei's mouth, she also felt that her original temperament was too bun. In addition to her mother's unhappiness, the sisters didn't like to get along with her.

During this period of time, she met Shen Ronghe, long-sleeved dancers, exquisite in all directions, in Jinling's place, mixed with fish and water, money is full of money.

Su Kui smiled, didn't care about Yun Yue's suddenly changing eyes, he was not humble and said: "Everyone will change, isn't it? If the sisters want something to use in the future, even if they send it to someone else, but they won't need to be so troublesome I ’m planning to open Lantingxu ’s branch to Kyoto, and at that time, I also hope that the sisters will help me promote a lot. ”

She smiled and spoke softly, and it was easy for people to feel good.

Almost in a few words, those people who were supposed to be close to Yunyue, who was closer to the blood, finally had a feeling of flattering Su Kui in the center.

As a woman, she is not very old and does not have the kind of thoughts of the elders at home. Therefore, getting along is also considered harmonious.


It was left by the old lady for dinner at the Fushouyuan, and she saw several uncles who had returned home from the household. Su Kui was finally busy on this day.

Ying'er pressed her shoulder and whispered: "Does Miss really want Lanting to come to Kyoto?"

"Why? Do you have any better suggestions?" Su Kui slightly closed her eyes, her eyes faintly visible under the candlelight, she asked lazily when she heard Yinger's words.

Ying'er shook her head, "How can slaves have any good suggestions, but I feel that Kyoto is not as good as Jinling, and there are a lot of dignitaries here. If she wants to open a shop in Jinling, she is just afraid--" Kwai is angry.

Su Kui smiled and said, "I'm afraid of the difficulties?" She raised her eyebrows. "I naturally know the truth, but the so-called business is not all sent to usher? No one will talk to If you ca n’t get enough money, as long as you get enough benefits, are you afraid that someone will not come to your door? "

The things that have been distressing all came to the mouth of the Master, but they all resolved. Ying'er's eyes lit up and said: "Yes, Miss Smart, how did the slave-in-law never think of it!" If you open a store in cooperation with a powerful person, although the benefits you get are a little thin, you can expand the Shen family's business Far wider.

In this way, they earned it!

The so-called, leaning against the big tree to enjoy the cool!

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