Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

After hearing the words, Ying'er's eyes flickered, she looked at the crowd, and pursed her lips softly: "The slave-servant did not want to disturb the young lady to watch the scenery, so she stood ten steps away, but before Miss Yunyue fell into the water Everything seemed to be safe, so the slave-servant didn't even know why Miss Yunyue suddenly shouted that sentence, and then fell into the lake! "

Although she didn't directly say that Yunyue was fine, she wasn't confused, but she thought about it a little and knew what was going on.

It's just that Ying'er is Su Kui's maidservant, and what she said is not completely credible, so King Jin quickly turned her attention to Qingpei, raised her chin, and said, "You said."

Yunyue breathed twice slower, staring at Qing Pei scorchingly, instructing her not to talk nonsense.

Qing Pei evaded her eyes, just hit into a pair of water and light, puffed with three-pointed lazy eyes, breathing stagnation, and hurriedly lowered his head, kneeling on the ground, said: "Suddenly, the slaves also I did n’t see it clearly, but I also knew that Sister Ying'er only said the truth. When the young lady fell into the lake, the slave-maid was also shocked. "

"What are you talking about?" Yunyue stood up sharply and stared at Qing Pei with a pair of eyes.

At this moment, she suddenly reacted, why she fell into the water, but Shen Ronghe was fearless. It turned out that it was like this!

His own maidservant is actually Shen Ronghe's person!

At this time, there is nothing to understand, and Yunyue's reaction is too large. If she continues to make a soft gesture, others will seriously think about whether the maid did not see clearly, but this majestic just finished, she can't wait to stand up and rebuke. Why do you still have to think about it?


A low smile broke the scene's heavyness and depression. Su Kui got up and carelessly stroked the folds on the dressing skirt. Yinger's eyes were fast, and she quickly put a big clot on her. Sure enough, the next moment, I heard Su Kui said lightly: "Sister reacts to such a big deal, and it is normal to talk in a panic. Rest assured, my sister is a few months longer than you, and naturally will not blame you. Just, Be careful in the future, after all, it's a matter of life, don't joke, eh? "

After she finished speaking, she glanced at everyone and said to Mo Qianqiu: "I'm too tired, do you want to go together?" Although it was an inquiry, her slender white hands had been stretched out.

Mo Qianqiu smiled lowly and liked her free and easy. Raising her hand, holding her hand, nodded, "Where the lady goes, naturally the father will follow."

After hearing this, Su Kui glanced at him angrily, not ashamed or impetuous, but in the end there was no rebuttal.

Everyone present, who had seen the emperor's appearance? If the fairy bones are usually coming out of the painting, there is no breath of fireworks. Now, it is to voluntarily let go of everything and just love one person.

The girls had complicated eyes and said they didn't envy it was fake. In a large family, women are mostly tools of marriage, and the married people are right in Yemen. If the husband is good to them, that is lucky. If it is not good, the three wives and four concubines will go to the house all day, and it will be like this for life.

"His Royal Highness Jin, say goodbye." Mo Qianqiu nodded, and said lightly to King Jin and others.

Then he pulled Su Kui down the stairs, and it happened that Yu Pang had slowly landed on the beach. The back view they carried away soon disappeared in everyone's eyes.

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