Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

After turning off the light brain, Su Kui simply drank a tube of nutrients. The mouth of this thing was a bit sour, and the taste was not good or bad. It was barely acceptable.

The nutrients enter the stomach through the throat, and soon the stomach feels warm, and the stomach is empty, and a feeling of fullness is also felt.

After solving this, Su Kui planned to go and see it in the ancient century. This was her first contact with holographic games, but she became curious about them.


The sky is blue, the breeze gently brushes the skin, the temperature is comfortable, and the air has a fresh fragrance.

Standing in the same place, Su Kui glanced down at her hands, which were one size bigger than hers in reality, and she seemed to be much taller than hers. In reality, she just looked as tall as one meter seven, if in the original world. But in this future world, women with heights of more than one meter and eight are not able to stand up to comparisons.

It seems that Yu Si really cares about his appearance and height. In the game, some people will choose their own real appearance data, and some people will choose to adjust it by themselves.

You Si belongs to the latter.

She stood outside the cottage, outside the endless farm, grassy, ​​a few white horses wandering in the farm, occasionally bowed to eat grass.

In reality, this kind of horse has already become extinct. Therefore, many people choose to play in the ancient century, and they want to appreciate the historical civilization that has already disappeared.

There are many fruits and fruits grown in the farm. She can sell them to the system in exchange for money or trade them to other users.

The fruits planted in the game all contain subtle auras. If they are made into dishes, the magicians, swordsmen and even cultivators will have a little gain. It can be regarded as an auxiliary food, so it is also very popular to open a gourmet restaurant in the game.


"Boss, are you back?"

A man with a beard and a thick face appeared behind Su Kui, respectfully saluted and whispered.

Su Kui lifted her delicate chin and looked into the distance with blue eyes, and asked, "Sebbas, how was it on the farm when I was away? Did anything happen?"

Sebass shook his head, "No, but the vegetables and fruits that our farm has just produced have been taken away by Mrs. Alta, saying that it has been a good business recently. Her food shops are really popular with magicians." When he said this, Sebastian was envious, how much should it be, presumably Mrs. Arta is also a rich man in reality?

The ancient century is different from other games in that all its data will not be changed once it is developed. The money generated in the game can be recovered by the system on the one hand, and it is produced by the player on the other hand.

When the gold coins accumulate to a certain level, the system can be paid enough to exchange for federal coins.

"Is it?" Su Kui sneered, his hands clasped his chest, and issued a notice, "However, soon we will no longer need to provide her with ingredients."

"Ah? Why, why?" Sebass remembered the recent rumors and couldn't help but panic: "Are you going to be a boss, do you want to sell the farm?" If so, wouldn't they be unemployed?

If you ca n’t find a job in reality, can you be a slave in the game and have to be unemployed?

"Of course not," Su Kui swayed his white index finger. "Don't worry, Sebass, the gourmet shop is so popular, aren't we going to open one ourselves?"

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