Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The next day, after waking up after a night of rest, I swallowed two bottles of sour-tasting nutritional supplements, and my physical energy was replenished a little bit. I finally felt less uncomfortable.

Su Kui opened the bedroom, walked into the living room, and found that the living room was full of objects.

She raised her eyebrows and went up to check them one by one, and found that the level of creation in this world is really top-notch. She simply drew the drawings and explained to the robot to do it. For as long as one night.

very good, very powerful.

Next, the robot was given instructions to install all the shooting equipment and kitchenware. He also ordered the housekeeping robot to clean and do the cleaning.

And she opened the light brain and logged on to the virtual mall.

Walking in a virtual pedestrian street that has no difference from reality, even if her mind is mature like Su Kui, she can't help but show a surprised expression. Since coming to this world, she has a powerful novelty for everything.

Compared with this plane, the previous future plane is still not far away. In fact, it is not bad to be kidnapped to the system and then go to each plane to do tasks. At least, every time there is a novel experience.

And in all the world, the experience of this world is the most prosperous.

From time to time, men and women pass by her, there are many people on the pedestrian street, and there are even traffic lights on the roads. Su Kui strolled around, and finally walked into the fresh supermarket.

Compared with other shops, this supermarket has no customers except the waiter and cashier. She just walked in and received a warm hospitality. The sweet-looking girl introduced her with a smile.

"Welcome, dear lady, do you have any needs? We are the largest fresh food supermarket in the entire virtual mall. Many of the newly developed ingredients can be found in this supermarket. We guarantee absolute freshness, pollution-free and pollution-free , Just place an order and it will be available in an hour ~ "

Listening to her similarly delicate voice, Su Kui smiled. "Then let me introduce these foods. I have a lot of things to buy, but I don't know. Do you have anything like seasoning?"

The girl tilted her head with a puzzled expression, "Flavoring?"

In fact, even if they supply fresh food in the supermarket, most people still choose to take nutritional supplements to maintain life. The food once disappeared in the history of civilization after several Star Wars, and the green earth once disappeared.

Except for a few classic books brought out by the ancestors that recorded the appearance of those plants, most people simply did not know how to taste, or even suitable for what environment to grow.

"Um ... Then let me see it first. If I need to call you again, is it okay?" Su Kui thought about it and asked.

After all, the current plane is far from what the earth she once lived on knew, and she didn't know how to explain it to this girl. But the system can be used. Since it can send itself to this plane, it must have come from a higher-level civilization. It should not be difficult for it to distinguish the role of these ingredients.

"System, it's time to need you," Su Kui casually wandered in the supermarket. The supermarket is very large, and there are few waiters.

Shout out the system, Su Kui meets the ingredients of interest, he will call the system to explain the role and taste.

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