Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Antonio's frivolous lips stiffened and his face twitched under the hood. The woman was really gone. Since she knew his identity, how dare you talk to him like that?

Looking at the distance of less than one centimeter from his eyes, Su Kui's face did not change color without warning, and Antonio narrowed his long gray eyes. "Just be happy."

"Of course I am happy, if Mr. Antonio is willing to take off his hat, let me see your style, I think I will be happier." Then, her hand was very restlessly under the hood, Antonio's cheek .

The skin was cold and delicate, and he could touch his sharp facial features with his hands. Knowing that the true appearance of this man's hat would not be too bad, but she was still unable to see his face.

A flash of interest flashed through Antonio's eyes, raising his eyebrows, "Do you really want to see?"

"If you want." Su Kui red lips smiled, staring straight at his eyes under his hood, she knew that the other party was also looking at her.

The hand was grasped, and a soft kiss fell on the back of her hand. Su Kui heard the man's husky and low laughter in his ear, like a mellow wine, which was tempting and deep.

"As you wish, dear lady."

Afterwards, Antonio did nothing, but Su Kui finally lifted away the fog in front of him, and the facial features under the man's hood appeared in front of her without any obstruction.

Long silver hair, narrow and long phoenix eyes, long and loose eyelashes, even the eyelashes are light silver gray. And his eyes are very strange, the center of the light gray pupil is a little golden. What beautiful eyes, rare double pupils. Su Kui hooked his red lips and touched his eyes. His nose was tall and his lips were thin, which was very suitable for kissing.

It's just that the skin is too white, which belongs to the pale, black magic robe that has not seen the sun all the year round, and the skin that is lined more and more pale. The blood vessels of Dai Qing at the neck are clearly visible and very thin, looking at someone who seems to have an incurable disease.

"Are you satisfied with what you saw, ma'am?"

Antonio's eyes were deep, and the words he spoke were very gentle. Su Kui believed that as long as he wanted, there would be countless young girls willing to fall under his magic robe, let him drive him, and willing to die for him.

This is a dangerous man, but it ’s a pity that she likes this kind of man the most—

"Of course, Mr. Antonio is not only superior in ability, but also in appearance, he is also very beautiful ~ Mr. Antonio is really a child who is favored by God. It is impressive, and he can't help but love."


He sneered, if she knew her nature, it might be too late. Those who admire him have now turned into bones. Say it, don't know if she dare to talk to herself like this.

Do not know the height of the thick woman, know who he is talking to?

"What about you? Will you adore my heart too? Beautiful lady." There was a glimmer of light in his gray eyes. He dropped his silver eyes and thin lips with a light smile, like a lover. , Whispering in her ear.

Eyes circulated, Su Kui smiled very frivolously, without any sense of restraint.

"Of course, if I can, I want to taste the taste of the top magician in the ancient century, it must be very good."


Antonio chuckled and smiled. The light in his eyes was dangerous and inviting. His cold fingertips rubbed her slender and fragile neck like a snake. "Have anyone ever said that you are so brave."

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