Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Because once it is confirmed that there is no marriage between the females of the heirs, the family will not be able to launch Angelina who has made a good relationship with your second highness, so in the end, this pie still has to fall on them?


Cork and Shelley certainly did not know that Su Kui would be so bold. They had just left on the starship, and Su Kui followed him to Dixing.

Su Kui's whole family is not much, and the first restaurant continues to make profits, which has brought her considerable benefits. Therefore, she brought nothing but simple clothes and a game helmet. Stepped on this dreamy planet with ease, the most prosperous planet in the interstellar world, the Imperial City——

She first unhurriedly found and sold private information, spent some money, bought a person's identity, and then used this identity to rent a house in the capital and move in.

Cork and Shelley, who had been dismissed from their posts and powers, were no longer able to find her.

The manpower sent by the old Josh again to find Su Kui, I am afraid it will take a while. But by then, Su Kui didn't mind being discovered, nor was her original purpose to avoid a lifetime.


Now the business crisis of the Josh family has made the whole family very turbulent. Not only has the standard of living greatly reduced, but even the usual partners have avoided them.

Old Josh knew that if he could no longer find a marriage, he could recover the losses for the Josh family as much as possible. I was afraid that the Josh family would really be forced out of the top five families.

But the old Josh still did not give up and decided to find Su Kui. However, the whole August passed and they could only know that Su Kui had left the house allocated to her by the government, but where did the people go and were still there The planet is unknown.

In the end, only the second best was chosen, and a side branch with outstanding appearance and good abilities in all aspects was selected to marry in the past.

Coincidentally, this family is the same family that You Si married. As for why they chose to cooperate with the Josh family whose status is already at stake, the reason is very simple.

Su Kui was wandering on the Internet, and naturally saw such a news.

[Miss Lilian of the Josh family will be engaged to Mr. Green, the sole heir to the new and upstart Walson family of Dixing]

Seeing this news, Su Kui's first reaction was that the first thing that would change Yu Si's fate has been resolved. At this point, she had expected that once she could not find herself, due to the crisis of the Josh family, she must choose a person to marry as soon as possible.

Even if the other party will be dissatisfied because of their perfunctory.

However, the combination of both sides is a win-win situation for each other.

Even if the wealth of the Walson family is amazing, because it is a new noble, its heritage and history are not as deep as those of the five major families. The status of the first four families is very rock-solid, and it is absolutely impossible for them to marry their daughters to an upstart, which is very embarrassing for the self-proclaimed nobles.

But if you want to squeeze into the top circle, marriage is the best choice. Now that the Josh family is interested, the Walson family who have already made other plots will certainly not refuse.

Thinking about the front and back, Su Kui bent his lips, and suddenly his eyes stopped.

Another rolling advertisement plate came into view again, it was an advertisement for recruiting actors.

A lot of people have stood in front of the advertisement, both men and women, all pointing at the advertisement plate.

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