Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2108: Arrogant slave owner (sixty-eight)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Especially now that the Josh family has been unable to make ends meet. Once the collaterals have asked for independence, they will immediately be pushed out of the ranks of the five families. Angelina is cold all over. She has only one thought, absolutely not, absolutely not!

She has been tall since childhood and dazzled like a princess. Now she has to enter the entertainment industry. Her career has just started. Once she loses the backing of the Josh family, why should the big directors find her to be a mistress, those hungry ghosts? , Can you still hold on, dare not touch her?

She knew that some people, most like to play with the pride of the young lady, fine skin and tender meat, playing with it, will also feel a thrill of conquest.

She would rather die, it is absolutely impossible to make those abnormal toys!

"Grandfather, what to do!" With tears in her eyes, she felt panicked for the first time.

You Si's trick is really cruel. She only counted her once, and she gave back such a gift, not only made her ugly, but also made her lose her original status at home.

The old Josh just raised her eyelids and looked at her coldly. The whole person was ten years old and had a gray beard. At this moment, Angelina realized that her grandfather was really old.

"Lina, how is your grandfather treating you?" He asked suddenly.

Angelina ’s tears were still twirling in her eyes. When she heard this sentence, she nodded. “Very good,” which can be said to be very good. She is the only child in this vein. Sisters of the branch all envy her and envy her, but they have to look up to her.

Luke shook his head and looked at his daughter. He had guessed his father's thoughts. Although he was distressed, the family's future was more important than the daughter's. He was very clear.

"Very good, boy, if you don't want to be squeezed out of the aristocratic circle and stepped on the soles and become civilians, then you will marry Green in exchange for the first life of the Josh family." This sentence gave her a deep look. This was the child he had most hoped for, but in the end he—

With a sigh, he still understands the children of his family, so he didn't say anything to force, just leave a sentence before leaving, "You think about it carefully, we will not force you."

However, is the invisible persecution not considered to be forced?

Angelina was stunned, even if she had a hunch, but when this moment really came, she still felt that the world was turning, and the world felt too unreal in her eyes. She opened her mouth and wanted to say that she could go to acting. She has the strength. As long as she can fire, she can make money to feed her family.

But as long as she thought of those who looked at her, she felt unbearable.

She doesn't want to become a civilian, that kind of life is terrible!

"Children, mom and dad love you."

Luke and Mrs. Josh stepped forward to give her a hug, and passed her silently.

Angelina smiled an ironic smile on her lips and loved her, but loved the wealth in front of her more, right? Compared with her, they do not want to change from a high noble to a civilian. How she knows clearly, but is powerless?

The time seems to have passed for a long time, but it is only a few seconds.

Her tired voice appeared empty and lonely in the large banquet hall. "Don't think about it, I am married. Grandfather, please contact Green."

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