Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

There was a smell of disinfectant water in the air, Su Kui recovered, he heard someone call her in her ear, "Tong Ke, work hard, go and eat!"

She opened her eyes and found herself sitting on a rest chair outside the hospital corridor, wearing a green surgical gown with blood on her body. The middle-aged woman who had just called her had already left with her hands in her hands and told her to eat in the cafeteria together.

She winked and got up to keep up.

The client of this life is Tong Ke. He is currently a nurse. He works as a nurse in a private hospital in Beijing. The salary is extremely high and the work is not tiring. However, the risk is much greater than in other public hospitals.

Because this is a kind of private hospital that specializes in serving the rich, it is basically a one-day ward here, which is the price of half a month in an ordinary hospital. Therefore, some patients have surprisingly bad tempers, which is not difficult to explain. Why Tong Ke, a little nurse who has just graduated, can find such a job.

This is a dangerous world. The male owner is a mentally distorted person. Because he was abused as a child and encountered the betrayal of his ex-girlfriend. Under a double blow, the repressed heart began to distort and hate women. He is a polite and gentle doctor during the day, known as a medical genius. However, when the night falls, another of his personality will appear, that personality is full of rampage, revenge, destruction—

Any woman who is similar to his ex-girlfriend or his stepmother who abused him from a young age cannot escape his poisonous hand. Of course, he will not kill them, but he will always kidnap them and torture him to a mental breakdown.

But because he was blindfolded when he was kidnapped, he was eventually released. Even if the police questioned him again, he didn't even know who kidnapped them.

Tong Ke secretly loved the male master Si Yi. At first, he was obsessed with his handsome appearance. Later, he was impressed by his superb medical skills and fell in love with him regardless of everything. Si Yi is the Director of Cardiac Surgery. Tong Ke happened to be assigned as an intern nurse under his hand. When he was performing surgery, she followed him.

Tong Ke is a smart person. Before graduation, he was also a top student in the school. Although Si Yi was cool in appearance, he still recognized her ability, and gradually accepted Tong Ke's following.

The two were getting along slowly. Tong Ke was deeply moved by Si Yi in the daytime and became obsessed with him day by day. Until one day she went to send Siyi a document. When the door was unlocked, curiosity drove her into another Siyi world.

She looked around in the small apartment and did not find Si Yi. Unintentionally, perhaps destined, she stepped into the basement, a place full of blood and violence.

A small, naked woman with scars all over her body was tied to the small operating table. The blood smelled in the air, and the dim light was suffocating, as if stepping into a haunted house.

Tong Ke discovered the secret of Si Yi, but she was still alive. Because her feelings for Si Yi had penetrated into the bone marrow, even if she found his inhumane side, she could not resist his temptation for a while.

Si Yi later told her of her inner depression, and the atmosphere of her childhood, and how disgusting his ex-girlfriend retaliated against him. These pressures almost made him collapse.

Tong Ke easily understood Si Yi and promised to keep him secret.

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