Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The patient was seriously injured, and Su Kui learned that his name was Qin Wuyue when he later filled out the case. It was only when the operation was performed that no one asked his name because of the rush.

Qin Wuyue?

In Beijing, no one would not know Qin Wuyue, right? The powerful man in Beijing is a place where high-ranking children are everywhere, and he is the emperor among them.

He was born in the Qin family of the red family and is the youngest son of the current head of the family. The first four brothers were all brilliant in various fields, but he did the opposite and went to the sea to do business.

As an old son of Mr. Qin Lao, he can be said to have been in love with him since he was a child, but perhaps because he got too much, the root cause brought out from his mother when he was born has always been accompanied by his growth it is good.

During the assassination this time, although the surface of the capital has been calm and calm, Su Kui can probably guess from the hurried footsteps and expressions of people who have been coming and going outside the icu ward in recent days. —

Three days later, a well-known secretary fell off the horse and was accused of taking bribes. He was indisputable, and even the men who took the secretary's roots in trouble were mostly arrested.

This series of high-ranking officials fell into disrepair and caused a sensation throughout the country. So the uninformed people are clapping their hands and applauding them, which is called the big-hearted.

Only Su Kui realized that there might be Qin's handwriting.

Otherwise, how could a high-ranking official, with its huge network and deep hidden depth, be destroyed overnight, even with the root system removed, and the possibility of wanting to turn over again is basically zero.

It is said that there is no involvement of the Qin family here, who knows the door way, who would believe it?


Su Kui had not returned home for a few days and had several phone calls with Tong Yu to remind her to be safe, and she stayed in the hospital with peace of mind.

It's not that she didn't want to go back. In fact, the medical staff who participated in the operation that day, except for Si Yi, were almost all detained in the hospital.

Unless Qin Wuyue woke up, they all had to wait in line and everything was for him alone.

However, Si Yi's temper has not been very good these days, and he has come to know that he probably found that his behavior has been restricted and he will be followed wherever he goes.

Since someone wanted to assassinate Qin Wuyue, if it was related to a secretary of the Lost Horse, it would be difficult to ensure that those people jumped the wall and learned that Qin Wuyue's whereabouts, and retaliated against him again.

Qin Wuyue is the old son of the Qin family. The four elder brothers are very short-sighted. And, it is undeniable that the Qin family can go further and leave absolute say in the political and military circles. Qin Wuyue has to do.

He was unable to join the army for physical reasons, and naturally could not enter the political arena, working all day long.

But he was very sensitive to numbers. At the age of 16, he used his new year's money to make the first pot of gold.

Now, a full decade later, he is the most mysterious legend in the business world, and no one knows how thick his net worth has accumulated. I only know that even abroad, his hand stretched out.


"Child nurse, child nurse?"

Su Kui raised his eyes and saw Cheng Yi again. He lifted his chin lightly and said, "Ask."

Such a straightforward question, Cheng Yi touched his nose, and did not know where a little nurse came from such a big aura, thinking that he was also the person who experienced the **** rain in the business with the five grandfathers, but was very black by those pupils. As soon as his eyes looked at him, he suddenly whispered.

The evil.

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