Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The mechanical wind has a cold taste, as if you are in the operating room, facing the shining cold surgical tools. Those tools will cut her skin mercilessly and pull out the heart next second.

She seemed frightened, she exhaled deeply, but couldn't help but looked at the decor style of the entire living room curiously, while whispering the name of Si Yi, "Director, are you here?"

"Si Yi?"

"Director? I'm Tong Ke, and Deputy Director Xu asked me to send you the materials, are you at home?"

After shouting for a while, no one answered, Su Kui, who knew where the plot was going, should now put down the information in her hand and immediately turned around and left. In this way, perhaps later tragedies can be avoided.

But Su Kui obviously didn't want to go the usual way, after she called Medi people a few times and answered. She took inadvertent steps, shouting the name of Si Yi, while holding the information to the stairs.

But when she stepped on the stairs, she paused. She seemed to hear a voice coming from under the stairs.

"Director? Director? Are you below?"

The deep curiosity made Su Kui finally unable to resist, thinking that there was no figure of Si Yi on it, maybe in the basement. With this kind of psychology, she withdrew the steps she had to step up the stairs and turned towards the stairs, the place where the host should have put the debris.

What's inside?

She tilted her head and whispered again, "Director?"

No one answered, but obviously the movement inside was bigger, did Si Yi fall down, or what happened?

In a hurry, she pushed open the door of the utility room the next moment, then froze.

A long and dark staircase leads to a dark place. The surrounding is very quiet, so quiet that you can hear your breathing. How do you feel about this feeling? It's like walking alone on a dark path at night. It's not clear where this path leads. Nothing is clear in front of you. The surroundings are so quiet that you will even be scared by your breath.

Such is Su Kui's feeling. She feels that her body temperature drops rapidly, and the exhaled breath is particularly clear, just like there is another transparent person, lying in her ear and blowing at her.

"Director? Are you here?"


"Boom, Boom, Boom--"

The mumble and the sound of something striking at the same time, Su Kui can't think about it any more, and his brain rushed down, and then he was stunned.


The material in her hand fell to the ground, and the whole person was like being struck by lightning, only knowing to stand in the same place.

What is this place Why is it so scary!

And on the operating table, who is obviously alive, but the woman is wounded and naked, who is it? !

There are candlesticks on the surrounding cabinets. The white candles are unclear. In the transparent bottle, there are organs in the formalin, but those organs are much smaller than humans. Su Kui guessed that they were animal organs. .

Siyi, who is it? What does he want to do? ! Why would such a horrible place be built.

At this moment, Su Kui's knowledge of him was refreshed. She realized that Si Yi may not be as clean and handsome as he usually shows. Although he does not like being close to others, he is a very kind-hearted person.

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