Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

He always likes to be quiet, but the thunder and thunder outside the window listened to the ears of unconscious people for a long time, but it was unexpectedly not so unacceptable.

Therefore, he closed his eyes while listening to the rare voice.

Especially there was a shallow breath in his ear, he knew that it was his caregiver, a girl. Suddenly a little worried, listening to the sound, it seemed that the window was not closed. He could feel the cold wind pouring in from the outside, but he had no ability to get up and close a window for her so that she would not catch a cold.

The girl was finally awakened. She seemed very anxious. She walked to the window and closed the window, but when she turned back, she fell suddenly. Although she couldn't see it, Qin Wuyue knew that she must fall Is very heavy.

He did n’t think that the girl was clumsy, she did n’t even walk well, and she did n’t think if she fell so embarrassed, he just hated why she could n’t stand up quickly at this moment, even if she helped her up.

At the same time, he made a decision in his heart. When he wakes up, he must put soft carpets in the room and wrap up the corners of the tables and chairs that are easy to bump, so that she will not be injured?

Thinking this way, my thoughts flew away a little bit.

The girl's cry was in her ears, her heart was sore, and for the first time she felt a huge sense of powerlessness. It turns out that there are things in the world that he can't do.

How is she? How is she? What is bleeding? Where did it fall? Is it serious?

Many thoughts came to his mind one by one. He waited for a long time. The girl was strong and did not cry. For a while, the faint smell of the girl's body fragrance penetrated into her nasal cavity, with a hint of lemon fragrance. She was next to her arm and the bed on the left collapsed a little. He knew that she was lying beside her at the moment.

Suddenly nervous, did she have to say anything to herself?

It is undeniable that every time Qin Wuyue is awake, the most anticipated is this moment. The girl ’s voice is the best voice he has ever heard. Dare to tell him.

He wanted to open his eyes to see her, what did he look like? There should be a pair of smiling autumn eyes in Yangshui, with a three-point smile when not smiling. For no reason, a pair of beautiful peach eyes appeared in my mind.

Heart throbbing.

"If you saw me wrestling when you were awake, would you be distressed?" She touched her face and changed it to normal. Those people were afraid of dying him. Where would they dare to touch him?

I always hate the touch of others, but the girl's touch, with a slightly warm fingertips, not only does not feel annoying, but hopes that she can stay longer.

She said that she would be distressed. Qin Wuyue very much agreed. Yes, it was like being torn by countless big hands and being eaten by hundreds of millions of ants.

He was quite sure that he had never seen this girl before, so besides throbbing in his heart, he was a bit puzzled. Was the girl really telling him love? If not?

Or does she just want to talk to someone, or treat him as her former lover?

It is possible-

Otherwise, he really could not explain why a girl said so much to him for no apparent reason, obviously he had never experienced anything in his life.

Thinking of this, the beating heart went silent for a while, and I felt inexplicably sad.

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