Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The whole bedroom witnessed this scene without words. Su Kui obediently asked Dr. Xu to treat tetanus, and finally checked her wounds to make sure that there was no major problem. After leaving another bottle of ointment, Qin Wuyue was finally willing. Check it out.

Who would have thought that the famous Qin Wuye would have such a naive life in his life?

The inspection was completed soon. In addition to being lethargic for too long, resulting in weakness, and the need for rehabilitation, Qin Wuyue's physical condition recovered very well, and basically did not cause any problems.

However, he was advised to go to the hospital for a full-body examination, and Father Qin naturally agreed.


The person who lay in bed for a long time suddenly reacted and basically had to do rehabilitation. Because he has not walked for a long time, the limbs are controlled. If he does not do rehabilitation, he has no control over the limbs of the body. Case.

The task of accompanying Qin Wuyue's rehabilitation naturally fell on Su Kui.

I do n’t know if it was because of Su Kui that he woke up at the first sight and had an obvious feeling of dependence on her, but whenever he could n’t see her, he would immediately send someone to find her, and it broke out several times. Big Oolong, a group of elders including Qin Laozi cry and laugh.

The iron tree of the Qin family's five masters blossomed, and in the last thirty years, she finally had a girl she liked, and also let others see the different Qin Wuyue. It turns out that when you fall in love, your IQ will decline, regardless of age or status.


After finishing rehabilitation again, Su Kui sat in a chair, watching Qin Wuyue let go of the armrests on both sides, and walked hard towards her step by step. She stood up, but stood and held out her hand, waiting for him to come to herself.

Qin Wuyue smiled and was not in a hurry. She left the support and was obviously struggling to walk. The doctor also persuaded him not to work so hard and take it slowly step by step. But he hoped that he would be able to return to what was once healthy and be able to appear next to her at any time. Instead of seeing her, she can only ask the bodyguard to find it.

And what she once said to herself in the ears in a lethargy. She said she was married in her life and wanted to have a travel wedding, while traveling the world while spending her honeymoon. Hearing what she said, Qin Wuyue couldn't help but substitute herself in, even if she knew that maybe the man she was planning was not necessarily him.

Feeling slightly warm, he raised his eyes and looked straight ahead.

Her white and slender palms stretched out, waiting for him to walk past, at that moment, he seemed to see the world.

Su Kui's eyes were clear, and it seemed to contain a clear spring, and his figure was the only wave among them. His eyes moved slightly, and he bent his lips, taking a slow but firm step.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

As he approached, he finally raised his hand and held her.

"How is my performance today?" Can't help but ask her, seeking praise.

Liang Jingjing's eyes, like the expression expected by a child, Su Kui Jun Jun couldn't help but nodded with smiles, "Great, hard, tired?"

She took him to the rest area and sat down, bending over to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Not tired."

Qin Wuyue stubbornly held her hand tightly, and Su Kui could only organize his forehead and messy shirt with one hand.

"Today's performance is good, and in another month, it is estimated that you can return to normal."

Qin Wuyue's rehabilitation is really fast, he has a strong learning ability, coupled with the entire medical team to serve him, it is difficult to think about it.

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