Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The weather in November was dry and cold. The first snow this year is said to be coming in the evening three days later.

She was thinking wildly, and the sight of Tong Yu gradually disappeared in front of her eyes.

The university city is very big. Tong Yu attended the most famous medical school in Beijing. Tong Ke also graduated from here before. Naturally, he knew how big it was. The doorway is away from the girls' dormitory. If you walk, you have to walk for nearly 20 minutes.

She stood for a while, and determined that Tong Yu would not be in danger, before turning around and calling the car to leave.

Shortly after the car left the university city, Tong Yu suddenly called her. At this moment, Su Kui's eyelids jumped up involuntarily, like a cramp. A bad hunch arose in my heart, and Su Ku had already felt that something was wrong before answering the phone.

Immediately, he immediately said to the driver: "Mr. Driver, please turn around, my sister may have an accident, hurry up!"

The driver listened to her in a very anxious tone, and did not seem to be hypocritical, and her face was dignified. After comforting her with a few words, she quickly turned around and galloped away in the direction of the university city.

Su Kui did not answer here because she had already connected the phone.

Tong Yu's trembling voice came from the handset of the phone.

"Woo ... sister, sister! That feeling is coming again, I really feel that someone is following me, sister ..."

"Sister, I'm so scared, what should I do, what should I do?"


Tong Yu gasped, began to choose words, choked with sobbing, and in the end he didn't even say anything, only to call her sister again and again.

Su Kui's anxiety hurts, and I don't know if Tong Ke's residual consciousness is at work. She never thought that she would send Tong Yu to school, and she would still have an accident.

While urging the driver to hurry, she said to Tong Yu: "Xiaoyu, you listen to me first, calm down and tell me, where are you now?"

"I, I'm on my way back to the dormitory, sister, come on, I'm so scared ..."

"I'm past, don't be afraid of light rain. Do you see anyone around? Run towards someone."

In fact, Su Kui said so much now, to comfort Tong Yu. She was so far away that she couldn't fly to her immediately. Si Yi has never played cards according to common sense. Since he dared to enter the medical school with a fair sense and followed behind Tong Yu, he must be fully prepared.

He had kidnapped so many girls, and he did not reveal his identity. This is the best proof.

"No, no one, sister, no one around! What should I do!"

The dim path, a few broken streetlights, and a grove in the distance, this is the winter, and the couple who were fond of fighting in the field disappeared. In addition to the sound of wind around, only her hurried steps, or a sharp gasp.

How to do how to do!

Her fearful heart was about to jump out, scenes of news about the university murders jumped into her brain, and they were tightly occupied, lingering.

The palm of her hand holding the phone was already sweating and her heart beating like a drum, trance thought that as long as she opened her mouth, her heart would jump out of her mouth.

"I'm scared, sister, sister ..."

She started to run quickly and couldn't keep looking back. The cold wind behind the path rustled, as if she was walking out of the darkness.

Her heart beat into her throat, and she screamed in horror, "Ah-"

"Who are you, why follow me! Help!"

Su Kui's hand holding the phone suddenly tightened, his eyes chilling, "Light rain?"

There was a sound of falling on the ground over there, followed by struggling, and then calmed down after a while.

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