Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The Qin family and Qin Wuyue knew that after Su Kui took the initiative to cut off the phone, she knew something was wrong. Without any pause, he immediately summoned the manpower and ordered Cheng Yi to find someone.

Su Kui's mobile phone has been turned off, but Qin Wuyue's desire for control is amazing, especially after waking up, her dependence on Su Kui reached an unprecedented height. Once she disappeared in front of her eyes for more than ten minutes, she will definitely call to send someone to find.

Therefore, for his own careful consideration, Qin Wuyue even quietly installed a tracker in her mobile phone.

But now, Qin Wuyue is especially grateful for his selfishness. If there were no trackers, he would have spent his life in remorse.


On the night of November, the cold wind hit people, and the cold wind blew more and more empty in the remote suburban villa.

Several black cars were trained in order and parked one by one in front of a villa. A group of tall men dressed in black came down from the car. If an ordinary person nearby witnesses this scene, they will surely think of people like the Mafia.

"Five Lords, this is it." Cheng Yi helped the people in the car and whispered.

In the middle of the night, everyone will be a little bit tempered when they are woken up by the phone, but when Cheng Yi sees who the name displayed on the caller ID is, that displeasure disappears instantly, and the rest is alert.

What is it that makes Wu Ye so anxious in the middle of the night to call him?

After quickly answering the phone, Cheng Yi finally knew that the female nurse next to Wuye had disappeared.

He whispered in his heart, but he didn't slow down. He quickly locked the target according to the clues provided by Qin Wuyue. Within an hour, they had arrived here.


Many times when the gangster holds the hostage in his hand, it is not appropriate to fight the grass and startle the snake. However, now that an hour has passed since Su Kui disappeared, no one knows whether she is dead or alive, what the gangster wants to do to hijack her.

So Cheng Yi deliberately made a big move, just to tell the gangster that his den has been found, it is best not to act rashly.

A violent shot broke the door lock and kicked it harder again. Cheng Yi looked at the living room that was so quiet that it didn't seem to be a little popular. He looked back at Qin Wuyue suspiciously, "Five Lord, are you sure this is the place? ?"

Qin Wuyue refused to help people, and Qin Wuyue entered the cottage with a slightly messy step. Ling Li's black eyes looked at the living room installation through the pale moonlight, and finally fell into two empty ones. Red wine glass.

A low, silent voice rang in the living room, "Find."


As the commander of Qin Wuyue, the instructions of absolute obedience have been basically carved into the bone. In one sentence, all his men immediately searched.

The villa is not large, with a total of three floors. There is only one storage room on the third floor, which is also the main target of the search. However, all the rooms have been found one by one, and there is no trace.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk--"

Fingers tapped on the mahogany table, making a crisp sound, a bit, very regular.

"Go to the basement." Thin lips lightly opened, and Qin Wuyue sat on the chair to give orders.

"Basement?" Cheng Yi wondered, does this villa have a basement? He just wanted to say something, and suddenly a sharp eyebrow swept away, and he dared not speak immediately, and nodded as he should.

With his hands around the first floor, I searched carefully, and finally found a small wooden door under the stairs.

"Really ..."

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