Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2152: The Night Servant of the Elf Queen (1)

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Watching the girl show a smile to the man he had never seen before, the man held her hand intimately and put it in his pocket, bowed his head and fell a kiss on her forehead, and then the two took away. The beautiful picture, no matter who sees it, can feel the overflowing emotion between the two.

Si Yi smiled dumbly and smiled. He swallowed what he didn't have time to bury and buried deep in his heart. This time, he probably didn't have a chance to say this life.

The guard in charge guarded him by the arm and dragged him inwardly.

With iron chains locked on his feet, one staggered by him, Si Yi didn't care to smile, and his eyes were indifferent.

The gate of the detention center closed slowly.

In fact, he wanted to say that he regretted threatening her by kidnapping her sister.

If he had stopped when she was full of love for herself and responded to her, would there be a different ending? Can I also be happy?

Unfortunately, there is no if-


"A new elven king is born, thank God Tree for blessing me elf family ..."

Su Kui opened his eyes slowly, and his body felt like he was floating. The air was wrapped in the fragrance of flowers, and his mind was clear and unprecedentedly comfortable.

"Look, she opened her eyes!"

"God, she is really a gift from God!"

"She looks so beautiful, like an angel--"

"God, I might be in love with her!"


Numerous wonders poured into her eardrums. Su Kui sat on the grass and opened her eyes to see the people around her.

This is the paradise of Yankong, where you can see it, crowded with many elves, talking around her, the joy that cannot be restrained between words. They sincerely feel happy for her birth. The elves have long silky hair, charming and deep eyes, delicate facial features, and a slender white body.

There is no distinction between males and females, and it is difficult for outsiders to separate men and women unless they look at their clothes.

The elves are the simplest and simplest creatures in the world. They have no combination of men and women. When the life of the old elves reaches the end and turns into a light spot to return to nature, the **** tree will give birth to new elves.

The king of these elves is also decided by the **** tree.

They love nature, support peace, and hide in the depths of the forest with their people, and no one disturbs them here.

Now, the elf king chosen by Shenshu is her.

The newly born elf knows nothing, Su Kui's eyes are open, his clear, water-like emerald green eyes look to the end, and he is innocent of the world.

"Dear Queen, don't be afraid, they are all your people, please follow me."

The elf elder reached out his hand and his eyes were soft. He is the elder elder of the elven family, and he is now more than a thousand years old.

The longevity of the elves is long. They eat full of natural fruits, drink the clear springs in the mountains to quench their thirst, carefree and undisturbed every day, weaving, talking and singing with the tribes every day.

So it is not unreasonable for them to live for so long.

Su Kui put his hand in the elf elder's hand, got up and followed him away from the **** tree, and walked to a palace-like place.

"Queen, what you want to know, we will teach you."

"Now, please release the spiritual power in your body, give back to nature, and let nature protect us."

Spiritual power?

Entering the main hall, there is a **** on the main hall, the sculpture is vivid, it is the first generation of elven king.

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