Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2176: The Night Servant of the Elf Queen (29)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui's body is still weak. Upon hearing this news, she quickly struggled to come, and the elves were already gathered around the **** tree.

As soon as she made a noise, everyone, including Joshua and Lilith, looked back at her together.

At this moment, they saw Su Kui's eyes no longer kind, but with doubt, they doubted whether this queen can bring them a peaceful and quiet life.

Since she was born, the size of the elven tribe has not been interrupted. Before that, the elven tribe has lived peacefully for a hundred years and has never been disturbed by outsiders. But as soon as she came, everything changed.

The result of being guided by caring people is that the hearts of the elves are no longer pure and flawless.

They began to doubt each other, began to fear, disgust, and even hate—

"Betty, are you here, is your body okay?" Elf Elf is a kind elder. I don't know if it is an illusion. After the God Tree accident, his skin became more slack, like the old bark, gray His beard and hair are also lingering and lack of energy.

"I'm fine, uncle elder."

Su Kui walked with concern to the **** tree, and tentatively extended his hand to output spiritual power. He wanted to see if he could purify the devil qi that had not polluted the tree roots.

Everyone's eyes closely followed her movements and silently prayed.


No surprise happened, Su Kui's spiritual power, without exception, was rejected by the God Tree.

The elf elder frowned, and his eyes swept sharply toward Su Kui, "Betty, what's the matter--"

"Elder, neither I nor I know."

Su Kui's lips trembled, she stepped back two steps, and all the elves were far away from her in an instant, as if she were living with a demon, she would open her fangs at any time, and bite them.

Only Clay was standing behind her unwaveringly, holding her firmly when her footsteps were about to fall.

He said to the elf elder: "Elder, I will explain this to you afterwards. Everyone calm down. Bettyia is the elf king chosen by the **** tree. She can't hurt everyone!"

Joshua nodded, "Yes, I also believe in Bettyhia!"

She is so kind, as bright as the sun, as pure as the moonlight, and Joshua never believes that she will be behind the scenes.

"Thank you, Clay, Joshua." Su Kui whispered, the position of her heart was sullen, as if hundreds of millions of ants were eating her heart, so uncomfortable.

Look, the elves who once danced around her, sang for her, praised her, regarded her as a beast of floods at this moment.

The elf elder did not believe in the child he taught, why did it become like this, her spiritual power should be the purest, but now she is rejected by the **** tree. He needs to calm down and think about the source of all this scourge.

"Okay, Bettyhia, go back and rest first. I'm here to guard, don't worry."

The **** tree has not been polluted to the roots, there is still salvation.

Thinking of this, the elf elder turned his attention to Joshua, but he hadn't even spoke, and Joshua already understood what he meant.

He walked silently to the **** tree, and all the elves automatically made way for him.

Now, all hope is pinned on him.

But after trying, Joshua had to stop in disappointment and shook his head in disappointment: "Sorry, I can't do anything." He is the son of the Hall of Light, a genius that everyone praises, but in this matter, He was at a loss.

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