Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Sitting or standing in the living room, including the young man who lived in a simple place, named Ji Feng.

Xu Dahai is the oldest person in this floor of a shared apartment, in his early forties. No one talked about it. He touched his head and his face was very bad. His two big bags under his eyes were blue and drooping under his eyes.

"Xiaoyi, I said, don't be afraid, but what is happening to us now is so **** evil!"

He swallowed and his eyes fluttered around the room, obviously his heart was not calm.

"Ah, Brother Dahai, please tell me! Suspicious, my goose bumps are up!" The remaining girl Han Yue snorted and urged, rubbing up and down holding her arms.

Su Kui found that in the middle of the night, this man actually had a delicate makeup, like a layer of painted skin, which was attached to his face.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the people in the shared room. Xu Dahai was suspicious and her eyes flickered. His wife Yu Shasha was wearing a suspender pajamas and her body was full and attractive. It's a woman in her 30s who still has a charm, her skin is white and she looks good, but she doesn't know how she is with a person like Xu Dahai who has no appearance and no height.

Mu Yang was sitting on the sofa, covering his face without speaking, and could not see his look clearly. His wife, Yang Qiuhong, leaned against his side and shrunk his shoulders, just like before, with an indifferent and cautious look.

Do n’t look at peace and quiet in a shared apartment. In fact, it ’s complicated to say that it ca n’t be explained in a few words.

Su Kui is very strange to see everyone here.

Thinking of Yining's desire, her eyelids fell, thinking about what was happening in front of her.

The plot of this world is very strange. Several people, including Yining, rented on the sixth floor of a community in city c. They belong to a common shared rent. In addition to the shared living room balcony and kitchen, the rest is their own private space. .

Just yesterday, at more than five o'clock, when it was off work, there was suddenly a strong wind blowing outside, and the rain was heavy. Several people ran back like chickens.

It looks like nothing happened.

But the weird thing started after all tenants in the six-story house returned to the house.

Yining doesn't need to go to work, Han Yue works in a bathing center. As for what to do, everyone knows it well and doesn't talk about it. She usually goes out to work at night, but that day the aunt came and had dysmenorrhea, so she wanted to take a day off to rest. As for Ji Feng, Yining rarely sees him going out. Sometimes he goes out to buy a lot of food, and he can stay in this house for a whole week.

However, except for the three of them, the remaining five people are all going to work. The alarm clock is clearly set and will sound on time the next morning.

But when they fell asleep, they woke up naturally, and the alarm clock didn't sound. When they picked up their phones, everyone's phones and clocks stopped moving strangely.

The time just stopped at 0 o'clock.

At the border between yesterday and today, they originally had a fluke attitude and thought that something went wrong. But as time goes by, wait for the right, the sky outside is always foggy, no fingers are seen in black, and there is no sign of dawn at all.

Only then did they perceive that something was wrong.

The most frightening thing is that Xu Dahai was the first to bear it. He went out with a flashlight. The elevator was out of service. He changed to the stairs. He obviously went down, but he could walk to the fifth floor. But weirdly went back to the sixth floor!

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