Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Han Yue suddenly jumped out at this time, pointing palely at the plastic bag in Ji Feng's hand: "Throw him out! You can't let him stay here anymore, who knows who wakes up one day and finds him again Go to whose bed ?! This is terrible! "

If this continues, who knows when they will be scared to death?

Really, now everyone has a little grass and trees, and no one wants to see Wang Jun ’s corpse again, this will undoubtedly become a big stone that crushes everyone ’s heart.

"The deceased is big, and I don't know if he is running around by himself, or someone is making a fuss, you say that, is it too much?" Ji Feng sneered at the corner of his mouth, looking at Han Yue, looking straight at her behind. , Xindao this person is really evil.

Xu Dahai also nodded in agreement, "Yes, this is the reason, otherwise, send him back to the room? If he comes out next time, we will decide not to do so!"

He didn't really agree with Ji Feng's words, but what happened now was so weird. He already believed in his heart that there was a ghost in the way. If Wang Jun throws it out, leaving his body without a shelter from the wind and rain, will Wang Jun's ghost come to avenge them?

Xu Dahai is afraid of this.

"Why ?! Isn't he enough to hurt us? Why should he be sent back to the room ?! Staying with a corpse all day, I'm going crazy!"

Han Yue grabbed her hair fiercely and shouted collapsed.

Ji Feng's eyes were cold, and he put the black plastic bag down, raised Han Yue's jaw, and said with a smile, "Since you are dissatisfied with him, you want to throw him out, then you are fine. If the dead's The soul is disturbed, and it will not harm innocent people. "


Su Kuile is happy, the meaning in this sentence is very simple, if the ghost of Wang Jun wants to come back to take revenge, he will not find the wrong person. Anyone who throws him out, just look for someone.

Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, Han Yue stepped back two steps, and his already pale face was even whiter. With a big red lips, weirdly unspeakable.


She glared at Ji Feng angrily, turned around and ran back to her room.

Su Kui raised her eyebrows and spread her hand to Ji Feng, "Come on, offend people."

Ji Feng shook his head, didn't care, took the bag and went to Wang Jun's room. He asked Su Kui to wait at the door, but he did not forget that the last time she saw the picture on the bed, she reacted violently.

Su Kui did not have to follow in, just stood at the door and waited.

Yu Shasha followed Cui Su curiously and saw the two people talking naturally. They asked strangely, "Yining, when did you get so familiar with Brother Ji?"

"Oh, just these two days," Su Kui smiled and said, "Isn't it true that you are in trouble? In fact, Ji Feng is very easy to get along with. If we can live out of this ghost place, I must chase him and let him Be my boyfriend. "

"Really ?!" Yu Shasha's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't expect that a weird man like Ji Feng would also like a girl.

He is a child who grew up in a funeral home. He usually gets along, as if he doesn't even have a profession. He lives in a simple way and has few friends.

She heard that Yining was a college student, how could she be so fancy.

"Yes, people only know how good they are when they get along, don't they?"

It happened that Ji Feng came out of the room at this time and looked at Su Kui's smiling face, raising her eyebrows, "What are you talking about?"

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