Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Yu Shasha sat with Xu Dahai, Su Kui and Ji Feng, Han Yue and Yang Qiuhong sat opposite each other.

Compared with Han Yue, who has recovered his peace, Yang Qiuhong seems to be more frightened. His already thin body shrunk into a ball, and his waist was not like a vibrant woman in her twenties. Instead, it was more like an old lady on the verge of lateness, with long messy hair, and blood stains on his face all covered by nails.

"Everyone is here, and now, there is nothing to hide."

"Since Han Yue you suspect that Yang Qiuhong deliberately scared you with the bodies of Wang Jun and Mu Yang, then you talk about it, why!"

Su Kuimu was silent, watching with cold eyes.

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he lighted another cigarette and made the gesture of a bystander, indicating that she could start.

Han Yue exhaled deeply, looked coldly at Yang Qiuhong, and began to recall the past.

Han Yue's background is not good. Her family is in the countryside. She has three sisters and a younger brother. She was admitted to the university under tremendous pressure. The villagers all praised that the golden phoenix flew out of the chicken nest. Thought.

Moreover, she looks good. After arriving in a big city, she learned to dress up, and many boys chased her.

Mu Yang is one of them.

Regarding Han Yue's age, Su Kui made a wrong guess. She didn't look very big. In fact, she was already twenty-six, almost the same age as Yang Qiuhong.

When she entered school, Mu Yang was already a junior and was about to intern.

Mu Yang's family conditions are good, he looks tall and handsome, and he is also the president of the student union. One can imagine how many girls will secretly like him.

Every girl has a heart for longing for love when she is young, so one day after Mu Yang persevered in pursuing her three months later, Han Yue nodded and agreed to be with him. The two got along very sweetly at the beginning. Han Yue, who was immersed in the love river, soon handed over her first time. Mu Yang also promised to marry her after graduation, they will be together for life. .

However, Han Yue overestimated the loyalty of a man. Mu Yang quickly became a junior, entered his senior year, and began an internship. After entering the society, there were many women of all kinds, who threw olive branches at him in all manners. Although the student girls are good, they are too green, and naturally no more attractive women come from mature women.

Soon there was less contact between the two. Han Yue was going to class and could not find time to date Mu Yang, which also gave him more time to date different women.

The paper couldn't hold the fire. Eventually, Han Yue still found out that she and Mu Yang were crying and making a big fuss, insisting on breaking up. At that time, Mu Yang had already tasted nothing. He was no longer like the Maotou at that time. When he recalled the two of them, he apologized and vowed never to commit again, so Han Yue gave him a chance.

The two are so sweet on the surface. In fact, the relationship is as thin as ice, and they may fall into the ice cave at any time and may smash. Yang Qiuhong is her university roommate. The two have a good relationship and occasionally meet out to dinner. Mu Yang occasionally sends her snacks and will also bring her a copy.

This makes Han Yue very popular in the dormitory.

No one thought that a person's jealousy would be so terrible. Because he had a crush on Mu Yang since he was a freshman, Yang Qiuhong did something so far that Han Yue recalled, and they all felt hateful.

On her birthday, I asked many friends in the department to sing k, and then secretly added material to Han Yue's wine glass!

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