Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

As long as you look down slightly, you can see your lover.

The time is good and the years are quiet.

It's enough for one person to be with--


"Ding—Welcome the system back to the system space, have you been well in the last world?"

"Fine thanks."

"This system has recalculated the experience value for you, please check it in time."

When was the system so human? Thinking this way, Su Kui simply asked the export, and the answer was that the system's database was updated again, collecting more fragments of human emotions, and being able to serve the host better.

Hearing this, Su Kui raised his eyebrows and became more interested in the control system behind the scenes. He also knew that keeping pace with the times was good.

She turned her eyes to the property panel, and every time she saw what she was like, she was a bit dazed. If it wasn't for the motionless villain reminding her of her original identity, she would almost forget it.

Name: Su Kui

Age: 22

Skin condition: skin as curd

Charm value: 7/10

Experience: 30,000 / 100,000

Exchange value: 39000/1 billion

Su Kui was injured once every time she saw it, and it took so long to reincarnate. She couldn't even exchange a drop of the rejuvenation potion. How could she be sad?

"Well, continue to work hard," Su Kui patted his cheek. "What is the next world?"

"Ding-basic data is being transmitted for the host, please check it!"

The cold voice of the machine fell and the memory transmission began.

Qin Luoxi, seventeen years old, born with heart disease, was adopted by the capital ’s first family, the Qin family, because the doctor concluded that he could not live until he was eighteen years old and had to change his heart. Family power is so powerful that after searching for a whole decade, it is impossible to find a suitable source of heart.

Therefore, under the declining health of her body, suddenly there was a day when the Qin family received news that Qin Luoxi was in the orphanage and there was a twin sister. After that, give her heart to Qin Luoxi.

It was wrong to do so. Qin Luoxi was always in the dark. From the beginning, she knew that she was not born of the Qin family, and suddenly learned that she had a twin sister, and she was very excited.

She is a spoiled child at home. Because of her health, she has been studying at home since she was little, and she rarely goes out. Therefore, she is naive and simple. When Qin Lingyue came to the Qin family, she was the most excited.

At first, Qin Lingyue was very frightened here, but Qin Luoxi's welcome made her feel the warmth of her family.

It would be nice if everything went on like this. Unfortunately, Qin Luoxi has liked his brother since he was a child. Even if he is often cold, he is not human, but like it is like it. She knew that she was not her brother ’s sister, and they were not related by blood, so she always regarded her brother as her favorite.

However, Qin Shuo fell in love with Qin Lingyue!

She is in poor health and can't run or jump, but her sister's sister is taller than her and has a healthy heart. Now, she has to **** the people she likes! Therefore, in an accident, Qin Luoxi learned the true purpose of taking Qin Lingyue back. Compared with her sister, she prefers her brother who has spent more than ten years at night.

Under the darkness, she deliberately tossed herself and made herself ill. The parents of the Qin family did not take Qin Lingyue in their eyes at all. In their hearts, Qin Luoxi was their treasure.

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