Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Qin Luoxi, who smiled and fell in Mrs. Qin's arms, became more and more uneasy. She couldn't treat her as her own biological sister, even if they had the same blood in their bodies. This man lived the life of her dreams, living entirely in a honeypot, but she was taken away by a village woman, suffering from snacks, and could not even put on new clothes.

Later, when the adoptive mother died, only the grandmother with blind eyes remained at home. In addition to going to school, she also had to bear the burden of the family.

When other classmates discussed where to go to play, she only had laundry, cooking, and then went up the mountain to gather some game, and then took it to the town to sell.

She also thought about the life of a princess on TV, but every time she dreamed back at midnight, at the end of her dream, she opened her eyes to see the walls of the family, which made her more and more disgusted with the current life.

She never thought about it, and one day when her dream came true, everything here was more luxurious than on TV, and it was real and within reach.

As long as she reached out her hand, she could meet it.

Holding her chopsticks tightly, she secretly told herself that Qin Lingyue must have a foothold in this home. What can Qin Luoxi get, why can't she have it? !

Moreover, she still has a good body, unlike Qin Luoxi, I heard that she has a heart attack, maybe one day she died suddenly.

She knew, however, that the patients with heart disease were serious and would not live long.

Then, by then, she was the only daughter of the Qin family—

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but smile.

Mrs. Qin accidentally noticed the smile on the corner of her lips, only to feel that the smile could not be described as eerie, and she could not help frowning. This feeling was too strange.


Qin Lingyue lived in the Qin family.

Her room was arranged next to Qin Luoxi, because suddenly, she could only stay in the guest room temporarily.

Today, the person in charge of a direct sales store specializing in girl brands came to Qin's house with this season's new booklet. Usually Qin Luoxi is not convenient to go out, and there will be a staff from a jewelry store or a clothing store to bring the booklet. She only needs to Just choose, you don't need to ask about the price at all.

After her selection, there will naturally be a housekeeper to check out.

Today, the person in charge came with the booklet. I didn't expect the Qin family to have another young lady, and it looks almost exactly like the little princess. It just looks like a timid person, and is wearing a fat school uniform.

But she can come in and go out of the Qin family, naturally she has the ability to excel, and should not ask if she shouldn't.

Seeing that Mrs. Qin was sitting there drinking tea, there was no meaning to introduce, she would not speak naturally, but just smiled and warmly said to Su Kui: "Miss Qin, this is the new style of this season, see if you have any I like it, there will be a staff in our shop to bring you back. "

Su Kui took the book, but instead of opening it, he handed it to Qin Lingyue.

"Sister, you choose first! You can just pick a few sets of clothes for changing." Su Kui bent her eyes and gave this awkward girl.

She really didn't think much about it. She was so old that there was no need to fight for something with a little girl. And if she can't wait for the donor, she will die sooner or later, even more so.

But Qin Lingyue listened to her ears, but felt very harsh and changed her clothes? Sure enough, she was abandoning her? She bowed her head a little embarrassedly, but took the booklet in her hand.

The style inside is very novel, a beautiful little skirt, or a vibrant T-shirt shorts.

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