Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Brother, what are you thinking? It hurts me!" Su Kui patted him dissatisfiedly, letting him loose his big hand around his waist.

His small body can't stand his strength.

"Hmm?" Qin Shuo tranced back when he felt a pain in his hand, and found that he could no longer look directly at his sister's innocent and simple eyes. He coughed twice to hide the embarrassment. He hugged Su Kui and placed her on his seat, Then stand up.

"Xixi, sit down by yourself. I'll see if you bought your orange juice ..."

After finishing striding meteor out, Su Kui smiled and held her small chin, pretending not to understand anything, and watched him go away.

"Wow, my brother is so sullen! I can't stand it anytime, tweeting ~"

It seems that my brother has felt a different feeling from her sister, and has already noticed that, now I am too busy trying to escape from this office and go outside to calm down.

Of course Su Kui won't bother him. No matter how calm he is, Su Kui will not give him a chance to really cool him down. Otherwise, what will the mission do?

During the boring task, it's fun to tease a sullen brother!

In fact, before coming, Su Kui thought a lot, in case Qin Shuo had no feelings for her. Su Kui thought a lot when he saw Qin Shuo's moment and discovered that he was the reincarnation of his love. Whether to continue to tease him and make him fall in love with himself.

Later, perhaps due to possessiveness, Su Kui couldn't make himself the impression of being a passer-by, staying in Qin Shuo's mind.

Even if it was dead, she had to deeply engrave it into his memory.

Yes, this feeling is morbid, but Su Kui doesn't feel wrong. Before I saw my lover, all ideas came up, but when I saw him, what **** thoughts! Nothing exists!

She just wanted him, why did you come here so much?

Moreover, by the time she could not wait for the heart, she really died, leaving Qin Lingyue and her lover, how can she be willing!

Even if he knew his lover wouldn't betray himself, Su Kui still couldn't accept it.

Her things are absolutely not allowed to be touched by others.

Qin Shuo went to the bathroom and immersed himself in the cold water, which calmed the dull brain. He thought, he must have been thinking too much, that is his sister, who grew up watching, how could there be contemplation!

That's right, that's it!

After hypnotizing himself, Qin Shuo pushed the door back to his office.

Then as soon as I entered the door, I found myself pouring cold water on my face in the bathroom.

The little girl was sitting on his seat, holding orange juice in both hands, taking a small sip, and sucking the orange juice with flesh. The two legs under the little skirt dangled leisurely, and when he saw him come in, he gave him a particularly bright smile.

At that moment, the shattered sunlight outside the window all stopped on her face.

"Brother, are you back?"

She didn't ask him where he was, even if he wasn't there, she waited obediently. I never knew before that there was a sister who was so distressing.

"Well, is orange juice delicious?" The voice could not help softening a few degrees, and if he was heard by his subordinates, he might be surprised by his chin.

But at this moment, it blurted out naturally, without any abruptness.

"Delicious, brother, do you want to try it?"

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