Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2248: Brother, love me! (fourteen)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Stinky girl, wait for me!"

"Dare to threaten your sister! Qin Shuo, come up to me!"

So, Qin Shuo was called upstairs with a depressed face. As the culprit, he leaned on his mother's arms and laughed and gloated.

He finally knew.

What does the so-called "only women and villains hard to raise" mean?

Because, I already have a deep experience.

"bad girl!"

Mrs. Qin naturally knew that the baby girl was doing bad things, but as long as she was happy, Mrs. Qin was also willing to sacrifice a little son for her.

And she knew that her husband asked her son to go to the study, not to teach him, but to inquire about the company's current status.

"Hee hee, who keeps his brother from going home, I can't see him all day long."

Mrs. Qin said, hesitated, and hesitantly said: "Xixi, otherwise mother will not go to travel with dad, stay at home to accompany you?" She suddenly thought, why the son had never scorned her daughter before, she But he always has a strong dependence on his son. Everything is because they pay too little attention to their daughters. Especially in the past few years, after Qin Shuo was able to be alone, they began their original plan to travel around the world.

Su Kui was still laughing. Hearing the words, he immediately shook his head like a rattle. "Don't do it! Mom, you and your dad can enjoy the world of two people. As for my brother, I will teach him well! He became a good brother who is filial twenty-four! "

The girl's black eyes turned to the water, wrinkling her small nose, and she spoke with a strong voice.


Mrs. Qin burst into tears and laughed, nodded her head, and said with curse: "You girl, where did you learn these weird ideas, and still teach your brother? It's enough if he doesn't teach you!"

At that time, Mrs. Qin did not know what this so-called "domination" really meant!

Qin Lingyue, like a transparent person, watched the mother and daughter get close and laughed together.

On the contrary, she was embarrassed. Even if it had been a few days, she still felt out of place.

The freshness at the beginning gradually dissipated and was replaced with fear. She was afraid that everything here was in the past. She lived a princess-like life now, which was given by the Qin family, and even the light of her cheap sister.

Once the Qin family refused to give alms, she would be beaten to **** again, and she would be classified as a poor student in school.

Do not--

She must never return to that poor place! She wants to be a man! So everything in front of her will be firmly grasped!

"By mother, now the school is still in class, I want to go back to school, can you arrange to go to school?" Qin Lingyue suddenly summoned the courage, looked at Mrs. Qin and pleaded.

She strives to make her eyes look like Qin Luoxi, her eyes are the most prone to be lovable.

It is a pity that Mrs. Qin looked at her with an expression that did not match her temperament, and only felt very strange.

"Going to school? I haven't contacted the school for the time being. Please wait for a while. It's winter vacation. It's not impossible to take a break this year."

"But ..." Qin Lingyue kept talking. She knew how important learning was to her, so she studied hard at the beginning.

She knows that adults like to learn good children. If she has good academic performance, Qin's father and Qin's mother will like her a little bit, right?

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