Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Qin Lingyue gritted her teeth, Qin Luoxi, hello, you are very good!


"Tuk Tuk Tuk--"

After processing a document, Qin Shuo pressed the swollen temple without raising his head and said, "Go in."

He thought it was an assistant who came in to report on the job, and after a while, he didn't wait for someone to speak, and had a bad hunch in his heart, and he looked up suddenly, "Qin Luoxi!"

"Why are you here again?" The swollen head now only felt more painful.

Qin Shuo had no choice but to let this girl in his office, how could he work well. It is enough to just wait for her.

"Well," Su Kui shook his lunch box. "Of course, it's for you! You know you mustn't eat when you are busy. Look, I'm intimate ?! Hee hee ~"

She opened her lunchbox with a smile on her face and set them in front of Qin Shuo.

Qin Shuo was stunned. For so many years, no one had ever paid attention to the issue of whether he was busy working or whether he had a meal. The girl who looked at the bright sun looked forward to him with her chin holding her chin, and the dark phoenix's eyes could not help crossing a complex light.

"How did you know?"

Being forced to put a pair of chopsticks in his hand, Qin Shuo had to eat first.

"This **** counts the pinches, and even if my brother and grandmother certainly haven't eaten well, so no, I just can't wait to send them to you as soon as Momma has cooked the meal!"

Qin Shuo looked at the pair of big eyes that seemed to be reflected in the stars, blinking and blinking, as if telling him silently: praise me, praise me!

He couldn't help but he could not help softening his cold face, "Okay, thank you Xixi."

Su Kui hummed and gave him a glance, "No sincerity."

The furnishing of this office can be said to be "tenacious." Gray sofa seats, log desks, black leather chairs, and behind the desks, there is a full-length bookshelf. A door was opened next to the bookshelf. Inside was a small lounge. Usually Qin Shuo rested when he was too busy.

So Su Kui especially looked at this lounge, which was not pleasing to the eye, but thought for a moment-

Wouldn't it be possible to come to the office for a play when you get your elder brother up and running? ?

Then she thought of her physical condition and couldn't help but sigh heavily. It seemed that she still had to look for it. If she could live, she would not want to die in front of her lover.

"Brother, your office is too rudimentary! There is no fireworks! I heard that some green plants can absorb radiation. Next time I will come and bring you some?"

This sentence was a shock to Qin Shuo who was eating. He suddenly dropped his chopsticks and his face sank. "Qin Luoxi, don't forget your own physical condition, what you can't do, you better not do it, Otherwise, do n’t come next time! "

Seeing Qin Shuohu's face, he was really angry. Su Kui put out his tongue and shrunk his neck, saying: "I know, I didn't say I will move it for you personally! Just talk about it, don't be angry brother "

Qin Shuo ignored her, packed up her lunch box, got up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and then came back to work.

Su Kui, who was hanged aside, was bored. She wandered around in the office. This body had fear of heights, and she did not dare to stand next to the floor-to-ceiling window with Su Kui.

As soon as I looked down, my head was dizzy, and the whole portrait seemed to be planted.

"Brother, are you really angry?"

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