Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Brother, I am serious. I don't want to hurt others. If my death is valuable, I will be very happy!"

"To shut up!"

Qin Shuo vehemently prevented her from going on, wishing she could cover her mouth and make her quiet. At the same time, he was uneasy in his heart. He knew how simple his little girl was. If she let them know that the real purpose of taking Qin Lingyue back was to provide her with a living heart transplant, she would not accept it.

He looked at Su Kui silently. Her eyes were as clear as water, and she could look to the end at a glance. Her small face was sickly pale. When she saw him, she looked back persistently and refused to shake her decision.

Almost, Qin Shuo thought that the little girl had learned the truth from her and secretly expressed her determination.

Thinking about this, he shook his head and smiled bitterly. It would be nice if his little girl really had that castle, but she didn't. Her parents protected her so well.

"This matter is not allowed to be mentioned again, no one may know about the future, and ..." He paused for a moment. "The heart is already in sight. Even if the blood of the panda is scarce, it is not without it. You do n’t need this matter. Do n’t worry, do n’t start talking before your parents. Have you heard? Do you want to hurt their hearts? "

Parents are Su Kui's weakness, she immediately covered her mouth and said she would never say anything.

Then he couldn't hold back, and asked strangely, "Brother, you said that your heart has eyebrows, who is the donor? If you can find it in the future, I hope to see the benefactor before the operation!" Even if it is a dead person .

"Eh, as long as you have a lot of things, let's talk!" Qin Shuo sent her off in three words and didn't want to discuss this repressive issue with her again.

Su Kui no longer asked.

At the same time, she sighed in her heart. It seemed that she had not hinted secretly in secret, but strengthened Qin Shuo's thoughts.

The best solution is to spread everything on the bright side and tell Qin father Qin mother clearly that she will not use Qin Lingyue's heart.


A week later, Qin Lingyue started school.

Su Kui found the girl's jealousy, sometimes terrifying. Moreover, are some people born to act?

For example, Qin Lingyue.

If Mrs. Qin was at home, she would find Su Kui with a pityful expression after returning home from school, and tell her what happened in school.

And if Mrs. Qin is absent, then she simply saves this.

Several times the two did their own thing in the living room. Mrs. Qin came back from the outside, and Qin Lingyue suddenly talked to Su Kui about what happened in the school. Su Kui was confused and very confused.

Since then, Su Kui reduced collision with her.

She was afraid that she would be provoked by Qin Lingyue again, and she could not help killing her. If this is not done, the world will collapse.

It is not easy to be a task, it is not easy to be a host!

A month later.

The Qin Family Villa was brilliantly lit. The originally decorated and magnificent interior was decorated with ribbon balloons and other objects. In the center of the living room, a huge big bear made of pink roses was placed. .

Tonight's Qin family, the girlish atmosphere is particularly strong.

Qin Luoxi's birthday is tonight.

When Qin Luoxi and Qin Lingyue's biological parents abandoned the two, they had stuffed their birth dates in their swaddling clothes.

Therefore, apart from Qin Luoxi's birthday, Qin Lingyue's is today.

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