Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2256: Brother, love me! (twenty two)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui obviously felt Qin Lingyue's body stiff, she was held in the arms of Mrs. Qin, when no one noticed, the eyes were deep.

Su Kui said goodbye to Mrs. Qin and his father at the airport, and watched the two of them walk towards the ticket gate, and eventually disappeared in the crowd.

"Look at it? I don't know how much you feel for them." Qin Lingyue shrugged and turned away.

"Of course deep, as deep as my affection for my brother."


"Why?" Su Kui raised her eyebrows. Since she didn't want to talk, let's hurt each other.

"Shameless!" Qin Lingyue glared coldly at her, holding the phone while playing.

On the way back, Su Kui sat alone in the back row, near the window. In Qin Lingyue, sitting in the front row alone, after getting in the car, he was playing the phone alone, not knowing what he was doing.

Su Kui skillfully stroked Qin Shuo's text message and sent a message.

"Brother, what are you doing? Are you still working? My parents are already on the plane ~ I'll wait for the company to find you, OK ~"

Qin Shuo responded quickly, and Su Kui was very satisfied.

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

"I know ~ See you later, remember to greet me!"

Su Kui put down her mobile phone, her face was quiet, but she was secretly satisfied. Qin Shuo is now tuned by her and is used to her harassment all the time. Basically, as long as it is not in a meeting, the mobile phone is around, and see her message will be back in seconds.

Next, just wait.

Su Kui likes to prepare with both hands.

"What are you doing?" Qin Lingyue suddenly turned around, rarely put down her phone and asked.

"Let's have feelings with your brother. Have any opinions?" Su Kui smiled and opened her phone brightly. The screensaver above was still a photo of her with Qin Shuo.

Qin Lingyue looked at her unabashed movements. The two men and women snuggling tightly on the screen suddenly felt extremely dazzling, and the light in her eyes almost pierced Su Kui.

However, her face changed countless times, and she turned her head so hard that she suppressed the evil fire.

The driver didn't say a word from beginning to end, driving the car with due diligence.

Su Kui suddenly asked, "Uncle Xu, how long have you been working in the Qin family?"

Qin Lingyue's grip on the phone suddenly tightened, his expression dignified.

The middle-aged man called Su Shu by Su Kui is the exclusive driver of the Qin family. He usually sends Su Kui to and from Su Qin.

So, when was he bought by Qin Lingyue?

"What's wrong? I've been working for the Qin family for almost ten years. Speaking of it, I still look at the lady who grew up!" Let go of the guard.

This is why he can work in the Qin family for so long.

"Oh, it's been so long now." Su Kui said nothing emotionally, ironically.

"What are you asking about this?" Qin Lingyue glanced at her. "Yes, lend me your mobile phone."

The tone of the direct command made Su Kui annoying to death, "No, Qin Lingyue, you are annoying, don't talk to me? Do you know that your hypocritical face is really annoying? ! "

Su Kui pretends to be a little girl with a temperamental temperament, and she is too lazy to look at Qin Lingyue.

Qin Lingyue was half-dead, and she gritted her teeth and grinned angrily, "Okay, I hope you don't regret it in the future!"

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