Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui stunned, immediately squinted, realizing that now is a good opportunity.

He made a happy look on the surface and hugged Jiangsao and kissed him, "Thank you Mom! Then I will go up! I will eat a lotus egg in the morning ~"

Then trotting upstairs.

Hee hee, you can finally know the truth, it ’s time to let my brother know how kind I am—


Inside the study.

Qin's father, Mrs. Qin, sat together, and Qin Shuo sat opposite, bowing her head, and there was a depression in the air.

"Xixi's body can't stand it. If he doesn't undergo heart surgery again, it will probably ..." Qin Shuo's thin lips tightened, unwilling to say the rest.

But the three people present knew each other well.

First of all, a repressed choking voice broke out, and Mrs. Qin fell into the arms of Qin's father. "Why did God so torture our streams, so good children, why can't she give her a healthy body ?!"

If they can, they do n’t want to hurt anyone, but—

If they don't hurt others, they will leave them from baby to elder daughter. She is so young, how can she leave this world?

"So, arrange Qin Lingyue and Xixi to the operating table as soon as possible." Qin Shuo took a deep breath and looked cold.

In order to let the little girl live, he is willing to let his hands be stained with blood, even if he will get retribution in the future, he will do everything!

Qin's father took a cigarette and said nothing in silence, which was considered the default.

"Don't let Xixi know about this matter, she ..." Qin Shuo thought of Su Kui's words to him, his body was suddenly weak, and his depression was tilted back, his eyes staring at the crystal chandelier in the study, "She will not Willing to sacrifice others for themselves, and, Xixi, she cares about Qin Lingyue. "

"Yes, as long as we have an operation, we can survive in Xixi! I will arrange it!" Mrs. Qin thought that she suddenly reacted, suddenly broke free from Qin's father's arms, and just turned around, suddenly exclaimed.


The door of the study didn't know when it was opened from the outside, Su Kui stood at the door, her thin figure trembling, and with Ms Qin's words, the pain in her heart doubled violently. Hold your heart.

"You, what are you talking about? What heart? And Qin Lingyue ..."

There was a burst of blackness in front of my eyes, I hope it was not what she thought, don't do it! please!

She didn't want to face all of this at all, especially when she saw that both Qin's father and Qin Shuo were shocked, without answering, she already wanted to understand the whole thing.

She smiled bitterly, struggling to turn around and want to go, but in the next second, the whole person fell.

"Xixi !!!"

Qin Shuo's pupils contracted suddenly, and at the moment she landed, she quickly caught Su Kui, hugged her arms tightly, and she roared with grim looks, "Call an ambulance !!!"

The pure morning of the Qin family was spent in such chaos.


Hospital, emergency room outdoor.

The doctor came out of the operating room exhausted, and Mrs. Qin quickly greeted him, "Doctor, doctor, how are we, Xixi, she?"

Her eyes were red and swollen, and she was afraid of it. If something happened to Xixi this time, what should they do?

Can the past laughter and laughter continue?

The doctor looked at a few people with a painful face and sighed silently. As for the expression of his family, as the chief doctor, he has become accustomed to it, even numb.

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