Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2296: I treat you as a friend but you want to sleep with me (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

She gritted her teeth and sneered. She slapped in the face and didn't disgust her. When Liang Boyang didn't have time to respond, she kicked again.

"Give you a face, don't you? The old lady doesn't show his power, do you think I'm a sick cat ?? You're late and you have a gift? The old lady is blind and only looks at you. A little white face, usually give you a good face When I have no temper ?! "

The young girl at this age loves to come quickly and to go quickly. Liang Boyang was not the man Zhu Yan hit, but his relationship was not as deep as his relationship was determined for a few days.

"I am rough ??"

Liang Boyang couldn't imagine that he was kicked to the ground by a girl and knocked down several chairs in a row, successfully attracting the attention of all guests in the cafe.

They also saw that the violence was actually a delicate-looking, purple-haired girl who couldn't help but breathe in surprise.

Are the girls now so violent?

Su Kui couldn't help but cry and laugh. She planned to leave. There was nothing to talk about with this kind of person. Just leave. But Zhu Yan, who is now short, didn't let him go so easily.

Liang Boyang was beaten a little bit dumbfounded, and he had a hot pain in the corner of his mouth. The tip of his tongue was sweet, and it was all bloody.

Suddenly yelled in the mouth, "Rough! Stinky woman, shame on you, dare to beat me!"

After he finished speaking, he got up from the ground and grabbed Zhu Yan.

Su Kui looked behind, looking cold, "Zhu Yan, flash away."

Hearing Su Kui's words, Zhu Yan immediately conditioned to retreat to the side, something that happened almost instantaneously, Liang Boyang, who had just climbed up, leaned against her body again and flew forward.

Su Kui's foot was much stronger than Zhu Yan, and he kicked the person directly two or three meters away.

If it is not blocked by an aisle table and chairs, it is estimated to be able to slide out further.

The university town is near the cafe, so there are many college students nearby.

Su Kuilu's hand suddenly made people dumbfounded.

"I go--"

"Is this girl too tough?"

The boys watched Su Kui pack up an adult man. It was as simple as eating, and he could not help touching his body, as if he had just kicked him.

"Come on, let's find a better one later."

Su Kui clapped his hands. Before leaving, he threw a thousand dollars on the table. "Boss, this is your loss. The cake is delicious. Come again next time."

Let's just leave happily.

Zhu Yan smiled, "Good!"

Liang Boyang felt that his bones were misaligned. He lay on the cold floor for a while and didn't get up. The guests around him heard about what they had just said. They knew that Liang Boyang was late, and he made a false statement.

So no one went up to help him at all. In the end, the waiter was afraid that he might have an accident in his own store before he went up to help him.


In September, the school season, from high school to high school three, seems to be a blink of an eye.

Zhu Yan was in a class with Su Kui, and Su Kui went to Shen Anchen again.

Zhu Yan, who originally thought she could be at the same table with her boss, was still happy. When she saw the familiar figure sitting beside her, and her position was ranked in the back seat-

Suddenly, I couldn't tell.

What's so special, I already know that it's better not to have a class with Su Kui! When must I eat this dog food! ! !


The start of school is always at three points and one line.

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